Det förklaras i romanen.
... although the invasion originates from another star system, the actual aliens are terraforming creatures who have emerged from the sea after coming in contact with starfish and frogs.
Their very nature can change their environment to match that of their creators’ planet.
... an alien race has invaded via nanobot proxies to terraform the Earth for their environmental needs.
Known as mimics, the alien nanobots have perverted starfish to create the perfect front line troops.
... battle against aliens called the Gitai determined to terraform Earth for themselves, even if that means turning it into a wasteland for its current inhabitants.
Nicknamed “Mimics” because they mimic the appearance of the first creature they came in contact with — starfish...
Mimics are ecoforming bots from a star system 40 light years away designed to re-form the Earth for alien use.
The bots mimic starfish from the ocean and look like a bloated frog with four limbs and a tail.
Kort sagt:
- Utlänningar, som lever 40 ljusår bort, har skickat nanobotter till jorden för att ecoform / terraform jorden för dem. Nanobotten "utvecklades" till de varelser som kallas "Mimics" (deras syfte är inte bara att döda oss, utan för att göra planeten beboelig för den främmande rasen som skapade dem)