Jag läste bara en av mina böcker (Players Guide to Faerun) och jag läser en klassförmåga av Runecaster som anger följande:
Improved Rune casting (Su): As a runecaster rises in level, he gains the ability to create runes that function more than once and have different kinds of triggers. These extra features increase the cost of the rune, as shown on the table.
Works When Read or Passed: Any attempt to study, identify, or fathom a rune's meaning counts as "reading" the rune. Passing through any portal that bears a rune counts as "passing" it. To affect a target, a rune must have an unbroken line of effect to it and be within 30 feet of it.
A rune that is triggered when passed can be set for almost any special condition the runecaster specifies. Runes can be set to trigger according to physical characteristics (such as height, or weight) or creature type, subtype, or race (such as draw or aberration). They can also trigger based on good, evil, law, or chaos, or a creature's patron deity. They cannot, however, be set to trigger by class, Hit Dice, or level. Runes respond to invisible creatures normally nut are not triggered by creatures that travel past them ethereally. When placing a rune with a "pass" trigger, a runecaster can specify a password or phrase that prevents the rune from triggering.
Min fråga är att denna förmåga verkar som en solid helhet, men den är listad som att ges två gånger, först vid 3: e och då igen vid 8: e ... den normala utvecklingen av Rune Power bryts även till skohornet i ... vad saknar jag?
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