Enligt " Quidditch genom åren " är moderna quaffles förhäxade för att förbli i luften om de tappas. Förmodligen skulle det vara trivialt att även inkludera en förtrollning håller quaffle inom spelområdet och / eller återvända till domaren om den kastas genom en ram.
Chasers were also becoming increasingly irritated by the necessity of diving continually towards the ground to retrieve the Quaffle whenever they missed a catch and so, shortly after the Quaffle’s change of colour, the witch Daisy Pennifold had the idea of bewitching the Quaffle so that if dropped, it would fall slowly earthwards as though sinking through water, meaning that Chasers could grab it in mid-air. The ‘Pennifold Quaffle’ is still used today.
Observera att i Filosofens sten var en spelare tydligen i stånd att använda denna auto-return -funktion till en stor fördel.
The whole crowd were on their feet, watching, terrified, as the Weasleys flew up to try and pull Harry safely on to one of their brooms, but it was no good – every time they got near him, the broom would jump higher still. They dropped lower and circled beneath him, obviously hoping to catch him if he fell. Marcus Flint seized the Quaffle and scored five times without anyone noticing.
Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone
Det finns också den smala möjligheten att Hogwarts Quidditch-matcher fungerar enligt samma princip som professionella matcher, med matchande tjänstemän som sitter runt omkretsen för att returnera bollarna:
The effective Quidditch referee needs to be more than an expert flier. He or she has to watch the antics of fourteen players at once and the most common referee’s injury is consequently neck strain. At professional matches the referee is assisted by officials who stand around the boundaries of the pitch and ensure that neither players nor balls stray over the outer perimeter.