Enligt vilka salvagörer som är experter, verkar det - i alla fall Rey gör det - det går inte att komma ifrån planeten, eller till och med gå bra.
Rey scarcely glanced in the other vessel’s direction. “That one’s garbage! We need something that’ll move, not just get off the ground—if we’re lucky!” (this and all other quotes from Alan Dean Foster novelization)
As BB-8 looked on, she shouted back to him, “I’ve piloted all kinds of craft, but nobody’s flown this old crate in years!”
Skälet till att rampen var nere var att Plutt arbetade med det en gång i taget
“Hey! Some moof-milker installed a compressor on the ignition line!”
“Unkar Plutt did.” Rey saw Finn shoot her a look and she glanced away, abashed.
Med tanke på att det var osannolikt att det skulle kunna flögas, hade de flesta scavengers inte stört att försöka stjäla det, för det riskerade att hämnas av Unkar Plutt, som inte var den mest mildaste karaktären runt. Kanske gillar att stjäla från Jabba - riktigt dålig idé.
Visuell ordbok visar oss en scavenger som förlorade båda sina armar till Plutt's thugs. Han skickar 2 tjuvar för att ta BB-8 droid från Rey med våld.
“Of course you do,” Naka replied soothingly. “Jakku is no place for a madman.” He looked to his left. “We’re not far from Niima Outpost, but I’m not going to take you there. Local commerce is more or less run by a corpulent sack of slurge who goes by the name of Plutt. I’ve had words with him in the past and don’t wish to confront him again.”
Och folk hade nog en aning om att Plutt kunde spåra skeppet (Rey gjorde det inte, men hon var bara 19)
“How—how did you find me?”
He smiled. It did not improve his appearance. “The ship you stole. The Millennium Falcon. You can’t really track a ship while it’s in hyperspace—but when it emerges, and particularly after it sets down somewhere, there are ways. Expensive, but in the case of valuable property, often worth it. Definitely worth it in the case of the Falcon. It happens to be fitted with a covert Imperial homing device. Old technology, but still quite functional. To which my presence here can attest. Didn’t take much to get the necessary relays working.”