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endif; ?>
Jag vill påpeka att när Luke flyr med Darth Vader tog striden redan ett stort steg till förmån för alliansen. Sköldgeneratorn på Endor förstördes där varje man i Death Star visste att den inte var helt defensivt operativ än. Star Destroyer kraschade i Death Star-stunderna före.
Jag kan tänka mig, när du ser slaget ta en ny riktning som inte är till din tjänst, försöker du överleva och låt oss inte glömma att den första Death Star togs ner också.
Från skriptet på IMSDB :
Chaos. For the first time, the Death Star is rocked by explosions as the Rebel fleet, no longer backed against a wall, zooms over, unloading a heavy barrage. Imperial troops run in all directions, confused and desperate to escape.
In the midst of this uproar, Luke is trying to carry the enormous deadweight of his father's weakening body toward an Imperial shuttle. Finally, Luke collapses from the strain. The explosions grow louder as Vader draws him closer.
EDIT: @Boelabaal för varför han inte tvingade lyfta honom:
EMPEROR Now, young Skywalker...you will die.
Although it would not have seemed possible, the outpouring of bolts
from the Emperor's fingers actually increases in intensity, the sound
screaming through the room. Luke's body writhes in pain.
Vader grabs the Emperor from behind, fighting for control of the robed
figure despite the Dark Lord's weakened body and gravely weakened arm.
The Emperor struggles in his embrace, his bolt-shooting hands now
lifted high, away from Luke. Now the white lightning arcs back to
strike at Vader. He stumbles with his load as the sparks rain off his
helmet and flow down over his black cape. He holds his evil master
high over his head and walks to the edge of the abyss at the central
core of the throne room. With one final burst of his once awesome
strength, Darth Vader hurls the Emperor's body into the bottomless
The Emperor's body spins helplessly into the void, arcing as it falls
into the abyss. Finally, when the body is far down the shaft, it
explodes, creating a rush of air through the room.Vader's cape is
whipped by the wind and he staggers, and collapses toward the
bottomless hole. Luke crawls to his father's side and pulls him away
from the edge of the abyss to safety. Both the young Jedi and the
giant warrior are too weak to move.