Här är det ursprungliga fragmentet om kejsarens "födelse" som först beskrivs i "Riken av Chaos: The Lost and the Damned 1990"
Detta förnekar inte shamans ursprungsberättelse - versionen "Mästare av mänskligheten" säger helt enkelt att kejsaren var ett barn på ett visst stadium och hans far (äkta eller antagen) har blivit mördad och "pojken som kommer att bli kung "kunde stoppa hjärtat av mördaren.
Båda dessa ursprung fyller omkring 8000 f.Kr. och placeras i Anatolien (dagens Turkiet).
I efterordet till "kejsaren för mänskligheten" säger författaren:
I didn’t want to reveal anything about the Emperor as any kind of definitive, objective truth. I don’t think anyone should, either - partly because understanding the Emperor’s nature and origins hasn’t been important for three decades of enjoyment in the supremely popular setting (and it’s never going to be necessary for that), and partly because, well, no answer will ever be satisfying enough or believable enough for everybody.[...]
Could the Emperor have been born from the souls of primitive shamans? Is he a Dark Age construct aping human form, left out to enact his will over the now-ignorant species? Was he a manipulative overlord and tyrant who knew everything of Chaos? Was he just a good man whose intellect strained to work alongside the levels of those beneath him, and was he ultimately failed by lesser beings?
All of them might be true. None of them might be true.