Vad vi vet från Dune Messiah:
The woman killed was Lichna, the daughter of Otheym. Scytale murders
her to assume her identity to get close to Paul. The reader knows
this, but the characters in the story do not.
Så först vet vi att genetisk identifiering är omöjlig.
"We may never learn who it was died here," he said. "The head, the
teeth are gone. The hands... Unlikely such a one had a genetic
record somewhere to which her cells could be matched."
Också vad hon hade på sig vid tiden för sitt mord var inte särskilt Fremen. Hon hade inte en stillbild, men en blå klänning:
"We have the woman here," Farok said. "Do you wish to see her now?"
"I've seen her," Scytale said. "I've studied her with care. Where is
Farok snapped his fingers.
The youth took up his rebec, drew the
bow across it. Semuta music wailed from the strings. As though drawn
by the sound, a young woman in a blue robe emerged from a doorway
behind the musician. Narcotic dullness filled her eyes which were the
total blue of the Ibad. She was a Fremen, addicted to the spice, and
now caught by an offworld vice.
Så med de flesta av de stora funktionerna som saknas (dental / kranial), och ingen genetisk rekord, och inget särskilt Fremen om några kläder eller prydnadar som kunde ha lämnats där kroppen dumpades - hur kan någon veta om kroppen var Fremen?
Mest troligt genom Rättsmedicinsk antropologi .
Från den länken:
Determination of Race from the Skeleton through Forensic
Anthropological Methods.
FORDISC, a computer program developed at the University of Tennessee,
is another metric technique reviewed that not only distinguishes
Whites, Blacks, and Native Americans but also male Hispanics, Chinese,
and Vietnamese. Platycnemia, femoral curvature and other morphological
attributes of the post-cranial skeleton may be used in support of a
racial determination; however, several investigators have turned to
post-cranial elements not only to use in support of cranial findings
but for use when cranial information is not available. As a result,
several discriminant functions from measurements of the pelvis, femur,
tibia or combinations of these elements have been developed. Accuracy
for these techniques varies from 57% to 95%, depending on the sample
and technique used. Other aspects of the femur, such as the diameter
of the neck, height of the intercondylar notch and femoral curvature,
have been measured for assessment of race.
Således är det möjligt att läsa ett partiellt skelett för ett ras- "fingeravtryck", även med vår teknik idag. Jag skulle föreställa mig att det skulle vara en enkel sak för en Suk-läkare att studera skelettresterna och notera några unika Fremen-funktioner.
Så det skulle behöva vara svaret, eftersom ben var verkligen allt som var kvar på den tiden.