Första historia för att beskriva människor som koloniserar en annan planet?


Elon Musk har planer på att kolonisera Mars inom det närmaste decenniet. Detta fick mig att tänka: Vad var den första SF-historien som beskriver människor som koloniserar en annan planet? Jag vill inte ha historier där människor etablerar en kolonial närvaro på en redan bebodd planet, men de om att kolonisera oförbädda planeter (i detta solsystem eller runt en annan stjärna).

uppsättning Klaus Æ. Mogensen 19.02.2018 15:12

4 svar


1928: "The Second Swarm" , en novelette av Joseph Schlossel , publicerades först i Fantastiska historier kvartalsvis , våren 1928 , tillgänglig på Internetarkiv och återtryckt i Science Fiction Classics , sommaren 1968 , också tillgänglig på Internetarkiv .

Publiceringsdatumet för denna våren 1928-utgåva meddelas den 20 april på s. 3 av föregående vinter 1928-nummer , och ISFDB ger också publiceringsdatumet som april 1928. Tydligen denna historia antedates Edmond Hamilton 's novelette "Crashing Suns" , varav del 1 dök upp i Otroliga Tales , augusti 1928 .

Tusentals år från nu utforskar mänskligheten de närmare stjärnorna och letar efter beboeliga planeter för att kolonisera:

When the Second Great Expedition was first planned, following the complete success of the first which had gone toward Alpha Centauri and now occupied two of the nineteen planets which revolved around that star, scouting expeditions were sent out to seven of the nearer stars to investigate. They realized that the distance of twenty-five light years from the solar system would be the absolute limit to which any expedition could be sent at the present day with any hope of success. The nearer the star, of course, the greater the chances of success in the event that the selected planet was inhabited and the inhabitants resented the invasion of man.

Blue-white Vega toward which the solar system was hurtling at the rate of one million miles a day and the giant orange-hued Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes were believed to be just at the extreme limit. Then came white-hot Formalhaut in Piscis Australis at the distance of twenty-three light years from the solar system. Next in distance was Altair in Aquila at sixteen light years from Earth. Procyon in Canis Minor was accredited with the distance of twelve light years; Sirius in Canis Major at the distance of nine light years, and 61 Cygni, the sixth magnitude star in the constellation of Cygnus, at the distance of eight and a half light years are the three nearest of the seven.

A scouting expedition of two interstellar ships was considered enough to send to each of the seven selected stars. Six interstellar ships capable of making a round trip to any distance up to thirty light years from the solar system were planned and built. A driving mechanism producing rays powerful enough to hurtle them along at two-thirds the speed of light through the utter void of space between the stars was installed in each of them. The three farthest stars of the seven was their destination. They left the Earth in the order of the distance they had to travel so that they would all return around the same period.

Huvudhistorien handlar om obehagligheten med Sirians:

Had those intelligent creatures who inhabited the ringed world of Sirius not attacked and destroyed the two expeditions from Earth, man, on discovering that it was in sole possession of highly intelligent creatures, would not have dreamt of invading it, but now . . .

Men det finns också en del fredlig kolonisering av obebodda planeter pågår:

The first day of the year 12,001 of the New Era dawned. On the following day the Second Great Expedition was scheduled to be launched into the boundless infinity of space toward Sirius. The First Great Expedition had gone toward Alpha Centauri and met with no opposition. They had peacefully taken possession of the two worlds which their scouts had selected as the only two fit for human habitation. Their ships were not filled with weapons for destruction, but with tools for construction. To each who had braved the terrors of the unknown there had been allotted a thousand acres of the choicest land upon the surface of those worlds.

Från ett tal av världspresidenten:

"Peacefully they took possession of two worlds that revolve around Alpha Centauri. On not one of those two worlds was there animal life of any description, nothing but a sort of low plant life which resembled moss and was of a deep blush color. The various domestic animals that they had taken along with them became acclimatized very easily on those planets and probably never knew that they had been transported to alien worlds, while the seeds of various kinds of plant life which man had found useful thrived wonderfully when insect life was introduced from Earth to fertilize them, better even than on their own native world which they had left behind forever."

svaret ges 20.02.2018 04:02

Jag tror att Senast och första män , som Olaf Stapledon kvalificerar, publicerades 1930.

Det beskriver ett par miljarder år av mänsklig utveckling, i olika vågor av män. Den 8: e och 9: e vågorna beskriver genetiskt förändrade människor att leva på Neptun, efter liknande försök på Venus misslyckades:


Fifth Men. (Chapters 11–12) An artificial human species designed by the brains. "On the average they were more than twice as tall as the First Men, and much taller than the Second Men... the delicate sixth finger had been induced to divide its tip into two Lilliputian fingers and a corresponding thumb. The contours of the limbs were sharply visible, for the body bore no hair, save for a close, thick skull-cap which, in the original stock, was of ruddy brown. The well-marked eyebrows, when drawn down, shaded the sensitive eyes from the sun." After clashing with and finally eliminating the Fourth Men, they develop a technology greater than Earth had ever known before. When Earth ceases to be habitable, they terraform Venus, committing genocide on its marine native race which tries to resist them – but do not cope well after the move.


Eighth Men. "These long-headed and substantial folk were designed to be strictly pedestrian, physically and mentally." When Venus becomes uninhabitable, about to be destroyed along with the entire inner solar system, they design the Ninth Men, who will live on Neptune.

Ninth Men. (Chapter 14) "Inevitably it was a dwarf type, limited in size by the necessity of resisting an excessive gravitation... too delicately organized to withstand the ferocity of natural forces on Neptune... civilization crumbled into savagery." After the Ninth Men's civilization collapses, the Ninth Men themselves devolve into various animal species.

svaret ges 19.02.2018 15:37

Antingen världskriget av H.G. Wells (1897) eller "Crashing Suns" av Edmond "World Wrecker" Hamilton (1928)

Till dess att ett tidigare exempel hittades.

Jag skulle lägga in en Stanley G. Weinbaum-historia som tidigare än Senaste och första männen i JohnPs svar och märkte sedan att Senaste och första männen är daterad till 1930 , inte 1939. Men jag förväntar mig att kolonier om andra planeter bör dateras tillbaka till den första massamedia-tidningen, Amazing Stories i mars 1926, eller till och med tidigare.

Den första plausibla månkolonien eller basen med kupoler som innehåller en jordliknande atmosfär var förmodligen i Brigands of the Moon av Ray Cummings, Större historier om supervetenskap , Mars, april, maj och juni 1930.

länk 1

länk 2

Edmond "World Wrecker" Hamiltons historier om Interstellar Patrol föregicks av en historia om den interplanetära patrullen där människor hade koloniserat alla solsystemets planeter, "Crashing Suns", Weird Tales August 1928 och september 1928. Sedan den första utgåvan av Weird Tales var i mars 1923 kunde den första historien om mänskliga kolonier på andra världar ha publicerats 1923.

länk 3

Och utan tvekan kommer tidigare exempel att hittas av de som är mer bekanta med tidiga science fiction.

I Världskriget av HG Wells menas att de yttre planeterna är äldre och de inre planeterna är yngre och att de yttre planeterna kommer att "dö" och bli livlösa före yngre. Således invaderade martiansna jorden eftersom Mars var döende.

I kapitel tio: Epilogen, berättaren säger:

Lessing has advanced excellent reasons for supposing that the Martians have actually succeeded in effecting a landing on the planet Venus. Seven months ago now, Venus and Mars were in alignment with the sun; that is to say, Mars was in opposition from the point of view of an observer on Venus. Subsequently a peculiar luminous and sinuous marking appeared on the unillumined half of the inner planet, and almost simultaneously a faint dark mark of a similar sinuous character was detected upon a photograph of the Martian disk. One needs to see the drawings of these appearances in order to appreciate fully their remarkable resemblance in character.

At any rate, whether we expect another invasion or not, our views of the human future must be greatly modified by these events. We have learned now that we cannot regard this planet as being fenced in and a secure abiding place for Man; we can never anticipate the unseen good or evil that may come upon us suddenly out of space. It may be that in the larger design of the universe this invasion from Mars is not without its ultimate benefit for men; it has robbed us of that serene confidence in the future which is the most fruitful source of decadence, the gifts to human science it has brought are enormous, and it has done much to promote the conception of the commonweal of mankind. It may be that across the immensity of space the Martians have watched the fate of these pioneers of theirs and learned their lesson, and that on the planet Venus they have found a securer settlement. Be that as it may, for many years yet there will certainly be no relaxation of the eager scrutiny of the Martian disk, and those fiery darts of the sky, the shooting stars, will bring with them as they fall an unavoidable apprehension to all the sons of men.

The broadening of men's views that has resulted can scarcely be exaggerated. Before the cylinder fell there was a general persuasion that through all the deep of space no life existed beyond the petty surface of our minute sphere. Now we see further. If the Martians can reach Venus, there is no reason to suppose that the thing is impossible for men, and when the slow cooling of the sun makes this earth uninhabitable, as at last it must do, it may be that the thread of life that has begun here will have streamed out and caught our sister planet within its toils.

Dim and wonderful is the vision I have conjured up in my mind of life spreading slowly from this little seed bed of the solar system throughout the inanimate vastness of sidereal space. But that is a remote dream. It may be, on the other hand, that the destruction of the Martians is only a reprieve. To them, and not to us, perhaps, is the future ordained.

Jag vet inte om en karaktärs spekulationer om möjlig framtida kolonisering av Venus räknas som en historia om människor som koloniserar en annan planet. Om det gör kan Världskriget (1897) vara den första, om inte "Kraschar Suns" (1928) kan vara den första. Till dess att någon hittar ett tidigare exempel.

svaret ges 19.02.2018 19:46

Skrivet i 2: a århundradet e.Kr. har Lucians En sann historia månens kung och kung av solen slåss mot en kamp över koloniseringen av Venus.

En översättning är tillgänglig här :

We asked who the enemy were, and what the quarrel was about. "Phaethon," said he, "the king of the inhabitants of the sun--for it is inhabited, you know, as well as the moon--has been at war with us for a long time now. It began in this way. Once upon a time I gathered together the poorest people in my kingdom and undertook to plant a colony on the Morning Star, which was empty and uninhabited. Phaethon out of jealousy thwarted the colonisation, meeting us half-way at the head of his Ant Dragoons. At that time we were beaten, for we were not a match for them in strength, and we retreated: now, however, I desire to make war again and plant the colony."

svaret ges 27.11.2018 16:31