En sak som du bör notera är att en varelse inte kan använda klor på bakbenen om de använder dessa lemmar att gå runt, det här är en begränsning till en varelsens naturattacker, vilket framgår av detta < a href="http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fo#v5748eaic9rdk"> FAQ-post :
Claws and Talons: If I gain claw attacks, can I put those claw attacks on my feet?
If you are a bipedal creature (roughly humanoid-shaped, with two arms and two legs), your claws must go on your hands; you can not assign them to any other limb or body part.
If you are a quadruped (or have more than four legs), you can have claws on your feet. If you have claws on all of your feet, normally you can't use all of those claw attacks on your turn unless you have a special ability such as pounce or rake.
Talons are much like claws, but go on a creature's feet, usually a bipedal creature (especially a flying bipedal creature such as a giant eagle or harpy). An ability that grants you claw attacks cannot be used as if they were talon attacks (in other words, you can't "re-skin" the ability's game mechanics so you can use it on a different limb).
Exempel, en tiger (stor katt) har faktiskt fyra klor, men kan bara attackera med två av dem samtidigt. De andra två klorna kan endast användas med Rake