Var var Rey springa till på Takodana?


Strax efter att hon har berört Luke's lightsaber, berättar Maz Kanata henne att ta Lightsaber, men Rey är synligt upprörd och säger:

I am never touching that thing again, I don't want any part in this.


Hon går sedan ut ur slottet och in i skogen. Efter att ha kört ett tag och när hon stoppar för andning, när hon vänder sig, följer BB8 henne. Hon säger till BB8:

  • Rey - What are you doing? You have to go back...
  • BB8 - says something...
  • Rey - I am leaving...
  • BB8 - says something...
  • Rey - BB8, No you can't , you have to go back your too important... They will help you

Jag antar att hon skulle hitta tillbaka till Jakku, eller tänkte hon gå någon annanstans.

Det här uppenbarligen inte behandlas i filmen, så jag letade efter ett svar som troligen kommer från novelleringen eller något ur universum.

uppsättning KyloRen 11.10.2016 14:40

1 svar


Skriptet (och romanen) verkar allmänt vara överens om att Rey enkelt körde bort efter att ha lidit en fruktansvärd chock. När hon slutligen slutade och tänkte på det i några sekunder insåg hon att hon bara skulle behöva vända sig och kasta tillbaka till slottet.

Innan hon kunde slutföra sin tanke om hennes nästa -åtgärd (som förmodligen skulle ha bett Han att släppa henne bort på Jakku), kom första orderflottan upp.


[EXT. FOREST - DAY: Rey races through the forest and finally comes to a stop, overwhelmed and exhausted. At an emotional breaking point, she has no idea where to go, who to turn to. Then she HEARS A BEEP -- turns to see BB-8, catching up with her.]

The Force Awakens - Official Screenplay

Officiell nyskapande

Overwhelmed and exhausted both physically and mentally, Rey finally slowed to a halt. Running solved nothing. Besides, she had nowhere to run to, and she could not run from herself. A familiar electronic chirp made her turn.

The Force Awakens - Official Novelisation

Junior Novellisation

REY finally stopped running, deep in the forest. She didn’t know why she had been running for so long; she had just felt the need. Now all she felt was exhaustion.


The astromech unit chirped a question of his own. He wanted to know where she intended they go. They? Just because the two of them had traveled together in the past, it didn’t mean they would do so in the future. Finn had reminded her of that.
But despite her pleas, the little droid refused to leave her. He would go wherever she went, to Jakku and back again if that’s what she wanted.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: A Junior Novel

Reys berättelse

REY RAN THROUGH THE FOREST outside of Maz’s castle. It was too much. She was tired of people she barely knew telling her how she should feel. She just wanted to go home to her simple life on Jakku. It was safe there.

The Force Awakens: Rey's Story

svaret ges 11.10.2016 14:55