Varför talar de ryska och tyska karaktärerna inte i sina respektive accenter?


Jag observerade hela filmen Enemy at the Gates två gånger och ingen av de ryska eller tyska karaktärerna talar med lämpliga accenter, trots att den släpptes 2001.

I Goldeneye, som släpptes 1995, talar Natalya Simonova som är en rysk karaktär i rysk accent. Varför talar de ryska och tyska karaktärerna inte i rätt regionala accenter i Enemy at the Gates (2001)?

uppsättning user28649 13.12.2015 13:05

1 svar


Det var ett stilistiskt val av regissören. I # med Stephen Lemons, Jean-Jacques Annaud gör det otroligt klart att så långt han är bekymrad, när du är nedsänkt i berättelsen , accenterna är i stor utsträckning meningslösa och kan till och med förringa din njutning av filmen. Han framhäver också några filmklassiker som följde samma väg:

Some journalists have been critical of the fact that you shot the film in English, and that the main players, with the exception of Ed Harris, are British and have British accents. What's your response to that criticism?

Half of the market is an English-speaking market! If you give them actors who cannot speak English, it just doesn't play. And as a Frenchman, I can only direct in French or English; I cannot direct in Russian. There's no way you can do this movie in the Russian or German. You have to go with the original version in English. After that, you've got the choice of British, American or maybe Australian actors. I remind people that movies are made in the language of their audience. When Shakespeare did "Romeo and Juliet," he didn't do it in Italian, or even using English speakers with Italian accents. This applies as well to "Dr. Zhivago," which was set in Russia, but had English actors. It takes about five or 10 minutes to accept it, but once you're in the story, you forget that those people are English or American.

och i den här intervjun med Ed Harris i Entertainment Weekly:

”[Director] Jean-Jacques Annaud specifically asked me not to do a German accent. A lot of times the German accent in war movies becomes a cliché – a ‘Hogan’s Heroes’ kind of deal. But I worked with a dialect coach and did a Middle Atlantic thing, a little more cultured than I myself am. A little more refined, if you will. At least I didn’t sound like I was from New Jersey.”

svaret ges 13.12.2015 13:48