Hur många liga Quidditch lag finns det i Storbritannien?


I Harry Potter-böckerna, hur många Quidditch-lag finns det i Storbritannien (professionella - där spelarna får betalt för att spela)?

uppsättning Alice 05.03.2012 11:51

2 svar


UPDATE 2 : Wikia för brittiska och irländska Quidditch League säger att det finns 13:

The British and Irish Quidditch League was established in 1674. Due to the need to maintain anti-Muggle security, the professional League was formed of the thirteen best teams at the time, and all others were asked to disband.

Detta kommer från Quidditch Through The Ages

UPDATE : Egentligen, minst 12

Wikia (citerar Daily Prophet Newsletters) säger att "den 1 oktober var Chudley-kanonen på elfte plats i ligan". Samma källa indikerar att de faktiskt var över Falmouth Falcons lag i ligan, som måste ha varit då minst 12

verkar vara minst 9.

"The Chudley Cannons," said Ron, pointing at the orange bedspread, which was emblazoned with two giant black C's and a speeding cannonball. "Ninth in the league." - Harry Potter & The Chamber Of Secrets, Ch 3

svaret ges 05.03.2012 11:52

Enligt Quidditch Through The Ages :

"While amateur games are permitted as long as the appropriate guidelines are followed, professional Quidditch teams have been limited in number since 1674 when the League was established. At that time, the thirteen best Quidditch teams in Britain were selected to join the League and all others were asked to disband. The thirteen teams continue to compete each year for the League cup.

Quidditch Through the Ages - pages 31-32 - US Edition

De tretton brittiska Quidditch-lagen är:

  • Appleby Arrows (norra England)
  • Ballycastle Bats (Nordirland)
  • Caerphilly Catapults (Wales)
  • Chudley kanoner
  • Falmouth Falcons
  • Holyhead Harpies (Wales)
  • Kenmare Kestrels (Irland)
  • Montrose Magpies
  • Pride of Portree (Isle of Skye - Skottland)
  • Puddlemere United
  • Tutshill Tornadoes (England)
  • Wigtown Wanderers
  • Wimbourne Wasps

Så det finns tretton professionella Quidditch-lag i Potterverse. Som "Storbritannien" hänvisar till Storbritannien, som inkluderar England, Wales, Skottland och Nordirland, gissar jag tekniskt Kenmare Kestrels kanske inte räknas som ett brittiskt lag, eftersom de är Irländska (i motsats till norra irländska). Det skulle tekniskt göra tolv brittiska lag.

Men JKR säger att det är tretton!

ETA: Definition av vad som utgör Storbritannien. Från Wiki :

Although the United Kingdom, as a sovereign state, is a country, England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland [all considered part of the UK] are also referred to as countries, whether or not they are sovereign states or have devolved or other self-government. The British Prime Minister's website has used the phrase "countries within a country" to describe the United Kingdom. With regard to Northern Ireland, the descriptive name used "can be controversial, with the choice often revealing one's political preferences." Other terms used for Northern Ireland include "region" and "province".

The United Kingdom is often referred to as Britain. British government sources frequently use the term as a short form for the United Kingdom, whilst media style guides generally allow its use but point out that the longer term Great Britain refers only to England, Scotland and Wales.

Båda definitionerna utesluter Irland och det senare utesluter Nordirland.

svaret ges 05.03.2012 12:54