Can Watto blir full och spränga Anakin?


I Phantom Menace talar Anakin om att ha en bombe inuti honom och om han försöker fly, kan Watto helt enkelt blåsa honom upp.

SHMI: All slaves have transmitters placed inside their bodies somewhere.

ANAKIN: I've been working on a scanner to try and locate them, but no luck.

SHMI: Any attempt to escape...

ANAKIN: ...and they blow you up...poof!

Har de någonsin tagit bort denna bomb eller enhet från Anakin? Höll Watto fortfarande förmågan att spränga Anakin?

uppsättning Himarm 23.05.2016 21:41

1 svar


Nej, enheten avaktiverades och avlägsnades senare.

Phantom Menace novelization p192-193:

They went to Watto's shop first, where the Toydarian had completed the forms necessary to assure Anakin's freedom. The transmitter that bound Anakin to his life of slavery was deactivated permanently. It would be removed surgically at a later date. Watto was still grumbling about the unfairness of things as they left him and went back out into the street.


Silently, Qui-Gon fell into step beside him. The Jedi did not speak until the slave quarters were out of sight behind a building. Then he gestured Anakin to the left. “We have to stop at Watto’s shop.” Startled, Anakin looked up. “Why?” “To get your slave transmitter neutralized.” The process didn’t take long, but it left Anakin feeling odd, as if he had suddenly become an entirely new and different person. I never thought not being a slave would feel so strange, he thought as he trudged along beside Qui-Gon.

svaret ges 23.05.2016 21:44