Did Anna Camp har några talande linjer i Pitch Perfect 2?


Anna Camp var en stor del av Pitch Perfect; och hon är listad i krediterna i Pitch Perfect 2.

Men jag såg Pitch Perfect 2, och jag kan inte komma ihåg att se henne alls!

Så var hon verkligen i Pitch Perfect 2? Och i så fall var var hon? Vilka scener? Var hon bara underutnyttjad? Rebel Wilson stjäl alla sina linjer? Eller var hon bara förvandlad till att vara bara ett vackert ansikte i Bellas lineup?

uppsättning Jim G. 27.09.2015 04:08

1 svar


Från här :

Aubrey Posen is a main character in the first Pitch Perfect film. She was the uptight and traditionalist co-leader of the Bellas. She is constantly critical and insists that The Bellas use the same set list the Bellas have been using for years. She is notorious for vomiting whenever she is under pressure. She is now a graduate of Barden University, thus making her no longer a Bella. In the sequel, she is no longer a main character. She now runs the Lodge of Fallen Leaves, where the Bellas visit in Pitch Perfect 2 to find their sound.

She is a main character in the first film and a supporting character in the sequel. She is portrayed by actress Anna Camp.

svaret ges 27.09.2015 04:17