Vad är skillnaden mellan SUA (Special Use Airspace) och FUA (Flexible Use Airspace)?


EUROCONTROL-konceptet för flexibel användning av luftrummet ( FUA ) är det:

  • an ASM concept currently applied in the ECAC area and based on the fundamental principle that airspace should no longer be designated as either pure civil or military airspace, but rather be considered as one continuum in which all airspace user requirements have to be accommodated

  • an airspace management concept applied in the European Civil Aviation Conference area on the basis of the “Airspace management handbook for the application of the concept of the flexible use of airspace” issued by Eurocontrol

  • EUROCONTROL definierar även Special Airspace ( SUA ) som:

    Airspace of defined dimensions identified by an area on the surface of the earth wherein activities must be confined because of their nature and/or wherein limitations may be imposed upon aircraft operations that are not a part of those activities.

    Fråga : Vad är förhållandet mellan SUA och FUA? Kan de betraktas som samma sak? Är SUA en speciell typ av FUA eller vice versa? Vad är skillnaden i huvudsak?

    uppsättning Federico Gentile 26.10.2016 14:27

    1 svar


    Flexibel användning av Luftrummet är ett koncept snarare än en del av luftrummet (vilket SUA är), där hela luftrummet används för både begränsade och obegränsade (civila) aktiviteter. Enligt FAA :

    • The FAA version of Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA) is called “Joint Use Airspace”

    • Although not defined as such, the domestic United States could be labeled as being completely FUA airspace.

    Särskilt användningsluftsutrymme (SUA) är en del av det flexibla användningsrummet (FUA), där orelaterade aktiviteter har begränsats :

    In accordance with the FUA concept, Special Use Airspace is a defined portion of airspace which may be temporarily reserved for specific activities which require the restriction or segregation of other traffic.

    I en FUA kommer SUA att vara en tillfällig begränsning (snarare än en permanent). Eurocontrol säger samma sak :

    The EUROCONTROL Concept of the Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA) is that:

    Airspace is no longer designated as purely "civil" or "military" airspace, but considered as one continuum and allocated according to user requirements.

    Any necessary airspace segregation is temporary, based on real-time usage within a specific time period.

    Relaterat koncept är Avancerad flexibel användning av luftrum , där SUA tilldelas i realtid.

    An airspace management concept in which airspace is managed as a single entity and in which there are no fixed structures and airspace reservations for special airspace activity are allocated in real time.

    svaret ges 26.10.2016 15:29