Som med alla tänkbara problem angående amerikanska pass- och visumbestämmelser, är detta omfattat omfattat i utrikeshandboken.
För det första beror det på hur gammal den här resenären är och vem de reser med. Exempelvis står 7 FAM 085 USA: s PASSPORTS OCH VISA OCH DUAL NATIONALITET :
a. Section 215(b) of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1185(b) and 22 CFR 53 require
U.S. citizens to enter and depart the United States on U.S. passports,
with limited exceptions.
d. See 9 FAM 40.2 Notes, 9 FAM 42.12 N4 (2)(b) and 9 FAM 42.71 N5.
Vad är dessa "begränsade undantag", kanske du frågar? 9 FAM 202.1-2 har du täckt.
Applications for Visas for Certain Dual National Children:
(1) You should advise parents who apply for visas for dual national
children that regulations prohibit the issuance of a visa or other
documentation to a U.S. citizen or national for entry into the United
States as an alien. The children of foreign government officials,
however, may use their foreign passport for entry into the United
(2) After the U.S. citizenship of a child has been determined by a
citizenship officer, the consular officer may, to avoid delay or
difficulty, give a written statement to the parents for presentation
to carriers or immigration officials. The statement should make clear
that the bearer of the foreign passport is a dual national child of a
foreign government official or employee who is traveling to the United
States on official business and as such may enter the United States on
the foreign passport as an exception to the provisions of INA 215(b)
regarding valid passport requirement.
(3) A child under 12 years of age who is included in the passport of
an alien parent in an official capacity may be admitted if evidence of
U.S. citizenship is presented at the time of entry. A determination of
the child’s citizenship should be made by citizenship officer prior to
departure from a foreign country and the parent should be instructed
to have evidence of such citizenship available for inspection by the
admitting Department of Homeland Security Officer.
Så, om din vän reser med sina föräldrar, och de är representanter på ett officiellt uppdrag, kan han fråga en konsulär för ett brev som anger sådant.
Om han emellertid bara vill undvika att identifieras som en amerikansk medborgare när han lämnar sitt land, har han ingen lycka till. Det är olagligt att utfärda U.S.-visum till amerikanska medborgare.