if ($answer_counter == 1): ?>
endif; ?>
Det betyder inte att ta Nate Watsons punkt, men de led ett allvarligt befolknings problem. De hade stora svårigheter att fylla på arten:
From an initial population of 3 billion, there were only 90 million
Andorians by 2376 (DS9 novel: Andor: Paradigm)
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Med tanke på att majoriteten av Starfleet-fartyg vi ser är mänskligt dominerad, kan det bero på klimat:
Tellarites found Human room temperature to be cold, indicative of a
higher body temperature. (ENT: "Babel One")
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Det verkar som om en annan anledning kan vara ömsesidig misstro mot varandra:
Despite years of co-existence with the Tellarites, the Andorians were
known to hold hostile relations with this founding Federation member
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Detta stöds av ambassadör Gral, en Tellarite:
Ambassador Gral recalled being aboard a Tellarite cruiser as they
drove "those blue demons" back into their own territory by force.
(ENT: "Babel One")
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