Hobbits kan flytta med extremt smyg när de väljer det, tillräckligt tyst för det här jobbet. Här är en beskrivning från boken:
But at any rate hobbits can move quietly in woods, absolutely quietly. They take a pride in it, and Bilbo had sniffed more than once at what he called "all this dwarvish racket," as they went along, though I don't sup-pose you or I would notice anything at all on a windy night, not if the whole cavalcade had passed two feet off. As for Bilbo walking primly towards the red light, I don't suppose even a weasel would have stirred a whisker at it. - The Hobbit: Chapter 2 - Roast Mutton
I filmen är Smaug faktiskt (absurt) väckt av att tappa en fågel med en mutter (eller var det en snigel?) I boken är det mer meningsfullt. Smaug väckas av utkastet från den hemliga dörren och av dvärgarna som höll på att hamra och döda i allmänhet.
[Smaug] had passed from an uneasy dream (in which a warrior, altogether insignificant in size but provided with a bitter sword and great courage, figured most unpleasantly) to a doze, and from a doze to wide waking. There was a breath of strange air in his cave. Could there be a draught from that little hole? He had never felt quite happy about it, though was so small, and now he glared at it in suspicion an wondered why he had never blocked it up. Of late he had half fancied he had caught the dim echoes of a knocking sound from far above that came down through it to his lair. - The Hobbit: Chapter 12 - Inside Information
Filmen använder fågelns tappning som en illustration av Smaugs hyperawareness, men om vi måste skörda den till en rimlig förklaring i världen, så kan du prova att tunneln är en resonansk kammare som förstärker fågelns tappning.