De relevanta delarna i artikel 680 har jag citerat här:
680.12 Maintenance Disconnecting Means
One or more means to simultaneously disconnect all un-grounded conductors shall be provided for all utilization equipment other than lighting. Each means shall be readily accessible and within sight from its equipment and shall be located at least 1.5 m (5 ft) horizontally from the inside walls of a pool, spa, or hot tub unless separated from the open water by a permanently installed barrier that provides a 1.5 m (5 ft) reach path or greater. This horizontal distance is to be measured from the water’s edge along the shortest path required to reach the disconnect.
680 Part IV. Spas and Hot Tubs 680.40 General
Electrical installations at spas and hot tubs shall comply with the provisions of Part I and Part IV of this article.
680,40 avser del I och kravet på en koppling finns i del I (630.12).
Denna kommentar är från 2011 NEC Handbook:
A readily accessible disconnecting means is required to be located within sight of pool, spa, and hot tub equipment in order to provide service personnel with the ability to safely disconnect power while servicing equipment such as motors, heaters, and control panels. Underwater luminaires are not subject to this requirement. The proximity of the disconnecting means to the pool must be not less than 5 ft unless the disconnecting means is separated from the water by a permanent barrier.
Observera här står det om inte kopplingen separeras från vattnet med en "permanent barriär". Om du har en permanent barriär som en skiljevägg mellan badkaret och frånkopplingen kan det vara närmare än 5 fot. Annars är 5 'ditt minsta avstånd.
Så, du läste koden korrekt, du behöver en koppling i sikte från spaet och montering bredvid huvudpanelen fungerar bra. Eller om du använder en brytare i panelen kommer du att fungera som du och Speedy Petey diskuterade.