Vad är tunnelnavnet Darth Maul föll in till?


I filmen Star Wars: Episode I (The Phantom Menace) , kämpar Obi Wan med Darth Maul på planeten Naboo i Queen Amidalas slott och dödar Darth Maul. Efter hans död faller Darth Maul ned en tunnel som en sak. Vet någon vad det kallas?

uppsättning Rand al'Thor 17.07.2016 14:56

1 svar


Medan fans refererar till det som en "reaktoraxel", hänvisar mer officiellt material till det på olika sätt.

Enligt skriptet för filmen Star Wars Episode 1: Phantom Menace , där den här händelsen äger rum, är det smältpiten ansluten till kraftgeneratorn.


OBI-WAN screams as the pulsing electron gate opens, and the SITH LORD attacks him. The DARK LORD is relentless in his assault on the young JEDI. OBI-WAN and DARTH MAUL use the Force to fling objects at each other as they fight. DARTH MAUL seems to have the upper hand as OBI-WAN grows weary. DARTH MAUL catches OBI-WAN off guard, and the JEDI slips into a melting pit. He is barely able to hold onto a nozzle on the side of the pit. DARTH MAUL grin evilly at OBI-WAN as he kicks OBI-WAN's lightsaber down the endless shaft.

The SITH LORD smiles as he goes in for the kill. At the last moment, OBI-WAN jumps up out of the pit, calls QUI-GON's lightsaber to hi, throwing DARTH MAUL off. The young JEDI swings with a vengeance, cutting the SITH down. DARTH MAUL falls into the melting pit to his death. OBI-WAN rushes over to QUI-GON, who is dying. kallar det också en "smältpit" på sin sida för Reactor Core Duel .

On Naboo, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan team up to defeat Darth Maul in a lightsaber duel. After cutting Qui-Gon down, Maul faces off with Obi-Wan, who defeats the Sith Lord by sending his bisected body into a deep melting pit.

svaret ges 17.07.2016 15:58