I Supernatural, varför gjorde Castiel inte [Säsong 9 slutspoiler]


Varför inte Castiel

type a happy ending with Metatron's machine? If Metatron could make his plot happen in the world with his typing, why couldn't Cas do the same?

uppsättning user26501 22.05.2014 15:35

1 svar


När scenen öppnar visste Castiel inte var tabletten med "Guds ord" var, eller visste han hur Metatron manipulerade alla som använde den.

Rather than become like Metatron, Castiel uses Metatron's vanity to cause him to reveal his deceptions over the "Angel Radio". Castiel, feeling as if he had already failed the Angels more than once, had no interest in repeating Metatron's mistakes and destroyed this, one of the last and most powerful artifacts in Metatron's possession.

svaret ges 23.05.2014 01:27