I slutet av återkomsten av Jedi lärde Darth Vader att prinsessan Leia var hans dotter?


Under den plats där han kämpade mot Luke, i slutet av Return of the Jedi , säger Darth Vader

Darth Vader: Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for your... sister.
So, you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her, too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the Dark Side... then perhaps she will...

Har Darth Vader bara lärt sig att Leia är Lukas syster eller vet han bara att Luke har a tvilling syster?

uppsättning iammg 15.03.2017 11:50

1 svar


Lukas tankar bodde på hans vänner, Han och Leia. Han märkte oavsiktligt henne som sin tvillingasyster i hans sinne precis som Vader skannade honom. Observera att Vader vet tillräckligt om hennes identitet att han är övertygad om att han kommer att kunna hitta henne och vända henne till den mörka sidan. Detta innebär att han känner till hennes identitet.

“Give yourself to the dark side,” Vader urged. “It is the only way you can save your friends.”*
Luke closed his eyes. I’m sorry, Leia and Han. I’d do anything to save you, but I must resist the dark side. Suddenly, Luke felt a dull ache in his head, and sensed that Vader was using the Force to probe his mind.
“Yes, your thoughts betray you,” Vader spoke, confirming Luke’s suspicion. “Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for …”
Luke tried to block his thoughts — and failed.
“Sister!” Vader said. “So … you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her, too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will.”
“No!” Luke screamed in anger as he ignited his lightsaber and rushed at Vader. Sparks flew as they traded blows in the cramped area, and Luke felt the hatred within him build with each passing second. You’ll never take Leia, and you’ll never take me!

Return of the Jedi: Junior Novelisation

Faders mentala krafter med Force är kapabla att invadera Lukas sinne. Återigen är implikationen att hans hemligheter är klara

Luke withdrew further into shadow. He tried to hide, but there was no way to hide what was in his mind—Leia was in pain. Her agony cried to him now, and his spirit cried with her. He tried to shut it out, to shut it up, but the cry was loud, and he couldn’t stifle it, couldn’t leave it alone, had to cradle it openly, to give it solace.
Vader’s consciousness invaded that private place.
“No!” screamed Luke.
Vader was incredulous. “Sister? Sister!” he bellowed. “Your feelings have now betrayed her, too … Twins!” he roared triumphantly. “Obi-Wan was wise to hide her, but now his failure is complete.” His smile was clear to Luke, through the mask, through the shadows, through all the realms of Darkness. “If you will not turn to the dark side, perhaps she will.”

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Official Novelisation

Intressant, The Marvel Comic ( Star Wars: Return of the Jedi 4: The Final Duel , faktureras som " officiell komisk anpassning ") är mycket tydligare om ämnet. Leia nämns med namn.

Förflyttningavkanonskalanär Star Wars: Retur av Jedi Storybook ännu tydligare om vad Vader vet.

Vader picked up the weapon. "Give yourself to the dark side, Luke' he said. "It is the only way you can save your friends. I know your thoughts. Your feelings for them are strong, especially for . . . Leia! You love her. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her. If you will not turn to the dark side, perhaps she will." He knew his son's emotions. He knew exactly how to stir Luke's anger and fear.

svaret ges 15.03.2017 12:51