Varför lämnade Cullen Bunn Aquaman?


Han säger att han lämnade på grund av negativ fanreaktion. Kan någon låta mig veta varför fansen inte tyckte om det? Jag har inte sett några negativa fan kommentarer. Finns det ett sätt att hitta recensioner eller något?

uppsättning Adam Yoshi 17.11.2015 19:16

1 svar


Det finns inget sätt att hitta recensioner eftersom det var nere att reagera på Twitter på Twitter.

There are a number of reasons I left Aquaman. I actually quit the book before my first issue even came out. The reaction from fans was brutal and disheartening even before they read my first issue. My editor (who is great) asked me to stick with it, so I did. The fan reaction didn’t improve. This was such a different take on the character, a lot of diehard Aquaman fans couldn’t accept it. I was accused of not taking about the book, but every time I did, I got hate tweets and hate mail. I don’t need that, and it kind of made me loathe the character. In the end, I think this wasn’t the right story to tell with Aquaman, so I felt it was time for me to move on. Someone else can come on and be a hero.
Source, emphasis mine

Otroligt det verkar inte vara mycket som visas på twitter , men jag antar att de aktuella tweetsna har tagits bort. Kort av Bunn säger att "dessa speciella tweets verkligen förolämpade mig" Jag är inte säker på vilken detalj det finns där.

Om du vill ha dåliga recensioner av hans körning, är de ute , om de hade en inverkan på honom sluta, går genom ovanstående citat. Nej.

Spekulationer / skillnader mellan Bunns Run till Parker / Johns '

Olika former av berättande berättande

Question:Aquaman’s one of these heroes who’s been changed back and forth and back again for decades. The most recent runs by Geoff Johns and Jeff Parker have been very successful, both artistically and commercially — in large measure, I’d argue, because they embraced the most classic version of the character and ran (swam?) with it. What’s your approach to keep the momentum going?

Bunn: Well… as I think everyone knows by now… our version of Aquaman is a little different than what you’ve seen in the series thus far. His look is different. The tone of his adventures is a little different. That said, I feel like this series is giving the opportunity to explore the story of this “new” Aquaman as well as the tales of the “classic” Aquaman. We’re starting the new story in the thick of things and revealing exactly what has happened through flashbacks to stories of the more familiar Arthur.
Source, emphasis mine

Nya befogenheter

Newsarama: Cullen, Aquaman has some new duds and some new "newfound gifts." For new readers, how would you describe his powers right now? What cool things is he able to do as we pick up his story in #41?

Cullen Bunn: Aquaman displays a few new powers as of #41, such as the power to call down lightning and create and control ice. Arthur also seems to be able to teleport from one body of water to another. These abilities are tied to some “ancient power” we’ll reveal later on.
Source, emphasis mine

Olikt utseende

Ny 52:



Aquaman (Ny 52) # 43

svaret ges 17.11.2015 20:42