Upphöjda har i sin tredje iteration "den röda regeln".
The Red Rule
In almost all aspects, Exalted doesn’t mechanically distinguish
between Storyteller characters and those the players
control. Here’s the exception:
A player-controlled character can only be seduced or otherwise
put in a sexual situation if the player is okay with it.
Otherwise, any such attempt fails automatically.
This is completely up to the player’s discretion, and they can
waive this rule’s protection if they want their character to be
seduced, if they think it would improve the story, or for whatever
other reason. This is entirely up to the player, and on an
attempt-by-attempt basis—waiving the rule once doesn’t
void your ability to call on it later against the same character,
or even in the same scene. If no one in your group ever
invokes this rule, that’s also fine—but players don’t have
to watch their character put into a sexual situation they’re
not comfortable with.
Groups that feel comfortable in doing so should allow player
characters the full range of their seductive prowess when
entangled with Storyteller-controlled characters… although
remember that the Storyteller is also a player and their
boundaries should be respected.Exalted 3 Core, p222
Denna typ av regel är ganska mycket en regel som läggs i baseline bordet kontrakt för att spela upphöjt. Men det är baserat på att ingen ska tvingas uthärda något de inte tycker om. Och detta begrepp formulerades någon annanstans, med någon annan term. Det var tvungen att göra något med ett kort, men ... Jag kommer inte ihåg det.