Detta är Midas-rutan av G. P. Taylor. Det är bok en av tre som följer Mariah Mundi.
Fresh out of school, young Mariah faces a new chapter of his life living in the Prince Regent hotel, built into the rock face of a cliff side. His job is to assist the magician in the stage shows held for the guests. Above ground, the guests are offered every form of luxury. Below ground, in the slimy, green-dripping walls of the basements, is where the magic show equipment is kept - and lurking in an Egyptian sarcophagus amongst scuttling sea-creatures is a secret that draws Mariah into the path of villainy, plots and possible death.
Den här översynen täcker tomten mycket mer djupt och nämner kaptenens välgörenhet (endast början på sammanfattningen ingår):
Mariah Mundi, a colonial school boy who has lost his parents, has received an invite to work at The Prince Regent Hotel. On his train ride to the hotel, he meets Albion. Albion gives him a deck of cards and tells him to tell no one that he has received these cards. Also on his train ride he meets Isambard Black and Captain Charity.
En film gjordes baserat på den här boken (men tydligen skiljer sig avsevärt): Curse of the Midas Box