In Hulk (2003) varför misslyckades David att döda sin son när han var en bebis?


Mycket sjukligt vet jag. David ville döda Bruce när han var en bebis, men hans mamma skulle inte låta honom och i en scuffle, famnen föll på kniven David skulle sticka lite Bruce med. Varför fortsatte han inte med att försöka döda honom? Var han bara så rädd att han inte kunde röra sig?

uppsättning Celeritas 23.02.2015 12:15

1 svar


Den här beskrivs i Officiell nyskapande . Efter att David Banner av misstag dödade sin fru, flög Bruce sig i en raseri, angripade sin far och flydde från huset och väckte larmet med militärpolisen. På grund av hans "ahem" -villkor kunde han inte berätta för polisen vilken riktning hans mamma hade lämnat in, något som oavsiktligt bidrog till hennes död från blodförlust.

“But she surprised me. It was as if,” and he spoke in a singsong voice, “as if she and the knife merged into one thing. You can’t imagine—” Betty was wide-eyed as he stared at his empty hand. “—the unbearable finality of it, her life, and mine, suspended at the end of my hand. . . .”

. . . and he flew at his father, who was staring stupefied at the blade, which was still dripping with the blood of his wife, Bruce’s mother, and he remembered at the last moment to bring the knife up, but the boy was upon him then, leaping, knocking the knife clear, and although the monster wasn’t yet unleashed, wasn’t yet anything approaching his full strength, the glimmer of its potential was there, and the father looked into the eyes of the son and knew fear as the boy tore at him like a wildcat, and the boy lost track of his mother, saw her stumble in shock and confusion out the front door, and then his father tried to throw him down so he could get at the knife . . . and . . .

“And in that one moment, I took everything that was dear to me . . .”

. . . he sank his teeth—like an animal, like a berserk, rabid dog—into his father’s neck, and tasted his father’s blood between his teeth, and the father howled and shrieked and the screams of the father blended and overlapped with the howling of sirens . . .

“. . . and transformed it into nothing more than a memory. . . .”

. . . as the MPs swarmed the house, and his father was dragged away and shoved into a car with whirling lights atop it, and Bruce was screaming and pointing in the direction he’d seen his mother stagger off, but no one could understand him because he wasn’t speaking, he was grunting and growling inarticulately, like an ape crying out in distress, and someone was trying to hold him steady and he struggled and yanked and shrieked and the rage seized him and his body started to bubble for a moment and someone yelled “He’s got a swelling here, it’s huge; get some ice packs, stat!” and “We need to sedate him; he’s having a seizure!”

I filmen är den gröna explosionen i avstånd (och Bruces ögon som blir gröna) antagligen tecken på att han hade börjat suga ut.

svaret ges 23.02.2015 13:36