Varför slutade Slughorn undervisning?


I början av Half-Blood Prince ser vi Dumbledore rekrytera en tidigare lärare i Hogwarts - Professor Slughorn. En potionslärare. Det antas att han undervisade i det förflutna och lämnade någon gång.

Har vi ett kanoniskt svar som förklarar hur och varför han slutade lära?

uppsättning Evdzhan Mustafa 06.12.2018 00:01

2 svar


Detta behandlas i Korta berättelser från Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists . I korthet blev Slughorn mer och mer störd av sin del i Voldemorts uppväxt till makten, speciellt hans berömda odödlighet. När det blev uppenbart att Dumbledore inte skulle stoppa i hans försök att förhöra honom om hans interaktion med Tom Riddle (och därmed avslöja sin mest skyldiga hemlighet, att han hade hjälpt honom att göra en Horcrux för att förhindra sin död) valde han att gå i pension , utvändigt hävdar misslyckande reflexer och 50 års lojal service till skolan.

When the wizarding world fell into war, and rumours swirled that Voldemort had, somehow, made himself immortal, Slughorn was sure that it was he who had made Voldemort invincible, by teaching him about Horcruxes (this guilt was misplaced, as Riddle already knew how to make a Horcrux, and had feigned innocence in order to find out what might happen if a wizard made more than one). Slughorn became ill with guilt and fright. Albus Dumbledore, now Headmaster, treated his colleague with particular kindness at this time, which had the paradoxical effect of increasing Slughorn’s guilt, reinforcing his determination never to tell a living soul what a dreadful mistake he had made.

Lord Voldemort made no attempt to seize Hogwarts on his first ascent to power. Slughorn believed, correctly, that he was safest remaining in his post rather than risking the outside world while Voldemort was at large. When Voldemort met his match upon attacking the infant Harry Potter, Slughorn was even more jubilant than most of the wizarding population. If Voldemort had been killed, Slughorn reasoned, then he could not have made a Horcrux, which meant that he, Slughorn, was innocent after all. It was Slughorn’s extremity of relief, and the disjointed phrases he let fall in the first rush of emotion after hearing of Voldemort’s defeat, that first alerted Dumbledore to the possibility that Slughorn had shared Dark secrets with Tom Riddle. Dumbledore’s gentle attempts to question Slughorn, however, caused him to clam up. A few days later, Slughorn (who had now completed a half century of service to the school) tendered his resignation.

svaret ges 06.12.2018 00:17

Han har kanske helt enkelt gått i pension eftersom han var gammal.

Under hela Halvblodsprinsen beskrivs han som att komma ur "pension". Närmare bestämt när Harry och Dumbledore går för att övertyga honom om att komma tillbaka, nämner han specifikt sin ålder / svaghet (min betoning):

"Well, how have you been keeping, Horace?" Dumbledore asked.

"Not so well," said Slughorn at once. "Weak chest. Wheezy. Rheumatism too. Can’t move like I used to. Well, that’s to be expected. Old age. Fatigue."

"And yet you must have moved fairly quickly to prepare such a welcome for us at such short notice,' said Dumbledore. ‘You can’t have had more than three minutes' warning?"

Slughorn said, half-irritably, half-proudly, "Two. Didn’t hear my Intruder Charm go off, I was taking a bath. Still," he added sternly, seeming to pull himself back together again, "the fact remains that I’m an old man, Albus. A tired old man who’s earned the right to a quiet life and a few creature comforts."


"What would the Death Eaters want with a poor broken-down old buffer like me?" demanded Slughorn.

Vi kan lätt räkna ut att Slughorn är ingen ungdom. Han lärde redan när Voldemort var i skolan, och vi känner från Secret of Secrets att Voldemort är ungefär 54 år äldre än Harry. Så vid tiden för Half-Blood Prince är Slughorn troligen väl över 90 år gammal. Det är således helt rimligt att han skulle ha gått i pension vid något tidigare tillfälle på grund av sin ålder / minskande hälsa. I själva verket insinuerar han till och med att Dumbledore borde tänka sig att dra sig av den anledningen också:

"You’re not yet as old as I am, Horace," said Dumbledore.

"Well, maybe you ought to think about retirement yourself," said Slughorn bluntly. His pale gooseberry eyes had found Dumbledore’s injured hand. ‘Reactions not what they were, I see."

svaret ges 06.12.2018 00:26