Varför har hon den här drömmen? Berättade hon om den historien när det hände? Det verkar ... Ganska konstigt.
Anta att hennes motivation i filmen liknar den som ses i officiella novelleringen , det enklaste svaret är att hon ser Gunslinger som en kraftfull alfanumerisk figur, en som inspirerar både element av frälsning och en överväldigande känsla av maskulin sexuell dominans.
Tracy drove with carefree abandon, her eyes slitted almost shut against the windstream, her hair whipping about her ears. Chuck wondered for a moment why they were not seeing Tracy’s dream directly from her point of view. Are we all conditioned by movies and television to see outside ourselves? he wondered. But a sudden movement from Tracy brought his attention back quickly.
She had turned to look to the side of the road, and after a blurred transition he saw what she was seeing/dreaming.
A black-clad gunslinger with vivid, rather unhuman eyes was riding a beautiful horse in dreamy slow motion by the side of the roadway, pacing the swift sports car easily. He stared at Tracy with a fixed, insolent audacity as he galloped easily along.
Först är han helt enkelt en hotande figur (vilken får hennes adrenalinpumpning) men sedan använder han fantasitekniker hjälp för att rädda henne från att bli överfallen av en grupp män. Klart finner hon det här scenariot både oroande (på intellektuell nivå) men då förvirrande ärotisk.
Chuck saw Tracy on the ground before the house, surrounded by the seven men in scarlet hoods. Her hands were bound. The men began to close in around her. They held large silver hypodermics in their hands, much as a knife is held. Chuck’s mouth felt dry.
“Approaching the upset point,” the technician murmured. “Switch to manual, Cee Em, please.”
The black-clad gunslinger rode up to the scarlet house, dismounted in a smooth, practiced, effortless move and started toward the grouping of red-cloaked figures surrounding Tracy.
The men in scarlet turned away from the recumbent figure of Tracy, reacting to the oncoming gunfighter. They ran at him, their silvery hypodermic needles raised high as weapons. But the gunslinger drew as he moved, his gun firing, the sound of the explosions booming and distant, echoing and fading.
Han hävdar slutligen sin förrang genom att sätta henne på sängen och göra passionerad kärlek till henne.
The mist swirled and Chuck now saw Tracy on the floor of a white bedroom. Mist heavily obscured the outer edges of the image, but the gunslinger strode in and pulled the wide-eyed video reporter to her feet. A hand on her waist, his other hand unraveled the knot of the scarlet cord that bound her wrists. Throwing the cord from him contemptuously, he pulled Tracy to him and kissed her hard. But she broke away, backing toward the white bed.
He wheeled toward her, his dark figure blurring into merely an abstraction of motion, a dark stream across the Mind Flowing screen.
Filmskaparna försöker klargöra att hon på en undermedveten nivå har påverkats kraftigt av de bilder hon såg tidigare i filmen. Hon har blandade känslor av både repulsion och attraktion mot Gunslinger och i sina drömmar tippar de balansen mer mot sistnämnden genom sinnestyrande tekniker.
Läs andra frågor om taggar westworld futureworld Kärlek och kompatibilitet Skor Gear 12 Stjärntecken Grunderna