Vad var i denna saknade scen från The Wrath of Khan?


Enligt den här artikeln om Geek Nerdom , var oringally en 12-sidig scen i The Wrath of Khan med en personlig konfrontation mellan Kirk och Khan. Personligen kände jag alltid den största svagheten i den filmen var att det aldrig fanns en direkt konfrontation eller möte mellan de två karaktärerna. Att hitta en var ursprungligen planerad, men senare klippa ger upp två frågor (åtminstone för mig).

(Jag vet inte om Geek Nerdom är en pålitlig webbplats eller inte, så det är möjligt att det bara är skvaller eller rykten.)

  • Var i scenen den här scenen tänkt att äga rum och vad skulle hända i den här scenen?
  • Varför beslutade Nicholas Meyer och andra i produktionsbesättningen att klippa ut det?
  • uppsättning Tango 28.08.2016 18:06

    1 svar


    Skriptet, som många gjorde, gick igenom ett antal revideringar och omskrivningar inklusive att helt skrotas och användas för delar.

    Referensen till de 12 sidorna, per länk på Wikipedia, görs i # (p33) av David Hughes men innehåller inte någon specifik information.

    EDIT: från Forgotten Trek

    Later Khan and Kirk would fought [sic] a psychic battle in a variety of exotic locations, using quarterstaffs, whips and swords. Khan, who had acquired impressive mental powers during his isolation, eventually won but Kirk survived because he understood that the weapons were only illusory.

    Från Wikipedia.

    [Harve] Bennett wrote his first film treatment in November 1980. In his version, entitled The War of the Generations, Kirk investigates a rebellion on a distant world and discovers that his son is the leader of the rebels. Khan is the mastermind behind the plot, and Kirk and son join forces to defeat the tyrant. Bennett then hired Jack B. Sowards, an avid Star Trek fan, to turn his outline into a film-able script. Sowards wrote an initial script before a writer's strike in 1981. Sowards' draft, The Omega Syndrome, involved the theft of the Federation's ultimate weapon, the "Omega system". Sowards was concerned that his weapon was too negative, and Bennett wanted something more uplifting "and as fundamental in the 23rd century as recombinant DNA is in our time", Minor recalled. [Michael] Minor [Art Director] suggested to Bennett that the device be turned into a terraforming tool instead. At the story conference the next day, Bennett hugged Minor and declared that he had saved Star Trek. In recognition of the Biblical power of the weapon, Sowards renamed the "Omega system" to the "Genesis Device".

    April 1981, Sowards had produced a draft that moved Spock's death to later in the story, because of fan dissatisfaction to the event after the script was leaked. Spock had originally died in the first act, in a shocking demise that Bennett compared to Janet Leigh's early death in Psycho. This draft had a twelve-page face-to-face confrontation between Kirk and Khan Sowards' draft also introduced a male character named Saavik. As pre-production began, Samuel A. Peeples, writer of the Star Trek episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before", was invited to offer his own script. Peeples' draft replaced Khan with two new villains named Sojin and Moray; the alien beings are so powerful they almost destroy Earth by mistake. This script was considered inadequate; the aliens resembled too closely the villains on a typical TOS episode. Deadlines loomed for special effects production to begin (which required detailed storyboards based on a completed script), and by this point there was no finished script to use.

    Director Nicholas Meyer had never seen an episode of Star Trek when approached to direct the film and rewrite the script.

    Karen Moore, a Paramount executive, suggested to Bennett that Nicholas Meyer, writer of The Seven-Per-Cent Solution and director of Time After Time, could help resolve the screenplay issues. Meyer had also never seen an episode of Star Trek. He had the idea of making a list consisting of everything that the creative team had liked from the preceding drafts —"it could be a character, it could be a scene, it could be a plot, it could be a subplot, [...] it could be a line of dialogue"—so that he could use that list as the basis of a new screenplay made from all the best aspects of the previous ones. To offset fan expectation that Spock would die, Meyer had the character "killed" in the Kobayashi Maru simulator in the opening scene. The effects company required a completed script in just 12 days. Meyer wrote the screenplay uncredited and for no pay before the deadline, surprising the actors and producers, and rapidly produced subsequent rewrites as necessary. One draft, for example, had a baby in Khan's group, who is killed with the others in the Genesis detonation....

    Kirk and Khan never confront each other face-to-face during the film. All of their interactions are over a viewscreen or through communicators and their scenes were filmed four months apart, although a draft script had Khan defeating Kirk in a swordfight.

    Meyer described Shatner as an actor who was naturally protective of his character and himself, and who performed better over multiple takes.

    12 sidor i ett skript motsvarar vanligen, enligt min mening, cirka 12 minuters skärmtid ... det är länge för en "konfrontation" ... även om en svärdskämpa var inblandad.

    Det verkar som att Meyer tog bitarna i manuskriptet han tyckte om, kände till sina skådespelers styrkor och svagheter och gjorde de rätta valen.

    svaret ges 28.08.2016 19:00