Vad är ursprunget till namnet "Jedi"?


Varifrån kommer ordet "Jedi", antingen in eller ut ur universum?

Finns det något som helst i universum för ordet för ordet? Ur universum, hur kom George Lucas med namnet "Jedi" - är det baserat på något verkligt ord eller helt uppfann?

uppsättning Rand al'Thor 21.10.2015 23:06

1 svar


I universum:

Jedi-ordern utvecklades från den tidigare Je'daii-ordningen.

"Observing the world around them, they saw two moons in the one sky—light Ashla and dark Bogan—and they understood the dual aspects to the Force, light and dark. The light defined the dark as the dark did the light. When balance was not maintained, Tython reacted to the imbalance with severe storms and quakes. And so the travelers defined themselves, ever seeking a balance. They became the Je'daii, a Dai Bendu term meaning "mystic center." Only through the harmony of balance could the Je'daii maintain a peaceful world."
- Ketu Quoted on Wookieepedia

Utanför universum:

Det finns ett par teorier:

For the word "Jedi," Lucas took inspiration from the Japanese term "Jidaigeki," which refers to a drama set set during the Edo period of Japanese history, when samurai were still in activity.
- Wookieepedia


"Jedi", the name of the ancient knighthood, is a tip of the hat to Burrough's Barsoom, where lords bear the title of Jed or Jeddak.

The word "jedi" is thought to have been derived by George Lucas from the Japanese word jidaigeki, a genre of historical dramas, such as The Hidden Fortress, which influenced the development of Star Wars.
- Wikipedia

Lucas verkar ha bekräftat länken mellan "Jedi" och Burroughs Barsoom i en NY Times intervju , som är källan till Wikipedia-citatet angående den.

svaret ges 21.10.2015 23:51