2002/2003 PC-spel om Super-soldater som vinner mot utlänningar men förlorar jorden tillbaka?


För länge sedan kommer jag ihåg att spela ett PC-spel runt tiden för HALO: COMBAT EVOLVED kloner ... en stod i synnerhet.

Berättelsen förordet handlar om ett krig mellan jord och utomjordingar. Människor vinner av sina tänder, men när resterna av flottan kommer tillbaka, finner de att kriget var en avledning och utlänningarna tog jorden medan de var borta.

Befälhavaren under sitt tal kallar sina supersoldater "hans barn" och hela spelet är en blandning mellan skytt, fordonskamp, trupptaktik och en lätt flygstridsimulator för att döda utomjordingar av hundratals.

Det var intressant på tiden eftersom jag kommer ihåg spelet som låter mig titta genom att luta sig ur hörn, ha väldigt taktisk gameplay och truppflerspelare med 8v8 och senare tycker jag att 16v16 matchar med Gamespy.

Anteckningar: 1st / 3rd person shooter, PC, spel kom ut runt 2002/2003

uppsättning Crashie-J 02.03.2017 17:37

1 svar


Spelet du letar efter kan bara vara Ras , släppt i 2004.

Plot synopsis

After their year-long journey the fleet arrived at Besalius in 2604 and swiftly engaged the Breed presence across the system. The battle was long and hard, as the Breed did not give up the system without a fight; their lack of intelligence was more than compensated by their ferocious nature in battle. This conflict with the Breed would come to be known as the Colony War.

The humans resources were drastically drained during this rigorous fight and the USC forces are stretched to breaking point. In 2624 the USC forces claimed victory in Besalius, but it was not without cost – the colonies had been devastated and the fleet badly damaged to a point that only the USC Darwin was capable of making the journey back to Earth. Captained by Saul Richter (A legend now with over two hundred victories against the Breed under his belt) war weary and battle scarred, the ship and remaining crew began their return journey.

In 2625 that the victorious veterans of Besalius finally returned home expecting a heroes' welcome. Instead, the crew of the Darwin found their world on fire, that in their 20-year absence, the Breed had conquered Earth. The Colony War on Besalius was nothing more than a diversionary tactic – a plan to pull the bulk of Earth's defense forces away, leaving it ripe for invasion. The human population had been enslaved or devastated, the survivors had been enslaved by the Breed in forced labor camps.

svaret ges 02.03.2017 18:30