När de först lämnar skeppet .... i San Francisco går de av / ner trappan / hissen av skeppet ... vi ser trappskenorna Men fartyget är kappat!
Kloakningsfältet verkar sträcka sig runt skeppet normal . När objekt utstrålar från denna silhuett blir de synliga. Detta bekräftas uttryckligen i filmens novellisering:
For a minute Javy considered jumping out of the truck, but Ben had it going nearly fifty. Javy tried to see behind them in the side mirror, but the light and the ramp had vanished, and he could make out only shadows.
Jim led the way out of the Bounty and signaled for the ramp to withdraw. It disappeared into the cloaking field. The hatch closed, cutting off the interior light. Star Trek IV : Novelisation
Vi ser ett annat exempel på detta när Scotty håller den övre halvan av hans kropp utanför fältet när han hanterar plexiglasväggarna på plats:
Gillian gasped. The man hung unsupported in the air. But from the waist down, he did not even exist. It was as if he were standing within a structure that could not be seen and that could conceal him as well. An invisible structure ... "
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