Vilken dansstil var i Suspiria (2018)?


Den hårda, avsiktliga (vet inte om de är de riktiga deskriptorerna) stilen på danssekvenserna gav mig en hel del till atmosfären av 2018-versionen av Suspiria för mig. Jag antar att det är någon typ av ballett, men var det bara slumpmässigt ballettdans eller en specifik dansstil?

uppsättning James Snyder 30.11.2018 08:27

1 svar


Det är i grunden nutida med referenser till expressionism och tips från indonesiska.

Från koreografins Wikipedia-sida för Susperia (2018) :

Guadagnino's Suspiria utilizes dance as a key plot device. Congruous to the period in which it is set, contemporary dance was a central influence on the dance style depicted in the film. Kajganich commented that German expressionist dancers Mary Wigman and Pina Bausch were specific influences on his conceptualization of the dance routines. While writing the screenplay, Kajganich shadowed choreographer and dancer Sasha Waltz to gain further insight into the technicalities of the profession. The work of Isadora Duncan was also an influence

For the last sabbath scene, Jalet said :"We wanted to go from something pretty technical, mathematical, with a certain sense of elegance to something where the body becomes wilder and more and more distorted,” Jalet commented. "The scene described something very chaotic, but I felt we needed to create something still very ritualized." Indonesian dance also served as a reference point for the sequence, which features movements that are "staccato, with harsh stops and starts, and an arm styling that is both intimate—in moments when the dancers hold on to each other—and harshly linear."

svaret ges 30.11.2018 08:50