BOROMIR We must get off the mountain! Make for the gap of Rohan and take the West road to my city. ARAGORN The Gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard. GIMLI We cannot pass over the mountain. Let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria. Gandalf has a concerned look on his face. **GANDALF Let the ringbearer decide.**
From the film Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (script),-The.html
Den här scenen finns inte i böckerna.
Ett troligt men spekulerat svar skulle vara:
Peter Jackson lade den till betona vikten av Frodo som ringbärare. I huvudsak, var Frodo går, skulle företaget följa honom, eftersom han är den som är avsedd att bära ringen och leverera den till Mordor. Elrond definierar de andra 8 rollerna här:
The others go with him as free companions, to help him on his way.
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - The Ring goes South
Detta stöds i en QnA-session:
Question: When the Fellowship are on the side of the mountain and arguing about which direction to take, Gandalf says "Let the ring bearer choose". Why does Gandalf say that? He knows that Frodo has enough on his plate, what with taking the ring all the way to Mordor, so why add to his problems by making Frodo decide the way to go?
Answer: Because, like it or not, he's the leader of this quest. Gandalf is only a guide; Aragorn,Boromir,Legolas, and Gimli are Frodo's guardians, while the other three Hobbits are simply companions. Besides, Frodo's the one carrying the increasingly burdensome ring. If he thinks one path easier than another then that's his call.
I boken är det dock en annan sak. På passet av Caradhras är företaget utsatt för det dåliga vädret: bitande vindar och massor av snö.
he heard Bilbo's voice speaking. I don't think much of your diary, he said. Snowstorms on January the twelfth: there was no need to come back and report that!
Senare på dagen (nattid då) när gryningen kom, fattade de beslutet.
Gimli looked up and shook his head. 'Carahras has not forgiven us,' he said. 'He has more snow yet to fling at us, if we go on. The sooner we go back and down the better.' To this all agreed, but their retreat was now difficult. It might well prove impossible.
I boken gjordes beslutet att dra sig tillbaka ner Caradhras av hela företaget, och inte enbart av Frodo eller Gandalf.