Very kort science fiction film där kloner återupplivas i ett rymdskepp, gör observationer och sedan dö


Jag såg detta inom de senaste 15 åren på public tv. En astronaut skickas på ett uppdrag eller kanske bara hans kloner. De behöver någon att göra observationer av stjärnfenomen, men efter detta spolas klonen in i rymden. Jag skulle vilja veta titeln / vem skapade den.

uppsättning Jeff 14.10.2017 22:57

1 svar


Kanske 2000-kortfilmen Dagens liv ?



Det går cirka 7 minuter totalt för den första delen (cirka 13 minuter totalt) och matchar flera punkter i din beskrivning, inklusive klonavslutning, utforskning av rymden etc.

"Today's Life is one of the few entertaining short films that's more about plot and less about symbolism. In just 13 minutes, it tells the story of a future NASA-like agency that sends out space ships filled with cloned astronauts to explore the far reaches of the galaxy. These clones are supposed to lack any memory of their life before being cloned, and function only as robots. This is an emotional story because both the main character and the audience knows that he is about to be "terminated" once he finishes the job. It's a highbrow story because it makes the audience question the morality behind human cloning. Are human clones simply disposable objects without a soul, to be thrown away when they are no longer needed?"

svaret ges 15.10.2017 16:51