Förutom kanske impregnering av Vala, det är en liten aning mot Jesus, finns det något i Stargate SG-1 av de moderna gudarna som är kända för mänskligheten idag, som gudarna bakom kristendomen, hinduismen, budismen eller islam?
Jag kan förvisso bara redogöra för antika egyptiska gudar, nordiska gudar och slavgudar (Svarog).
För en mycket bra I universum anledning .... var de flesta av dessa religioner inte (AFAIK) etablerade förrän Goa'uld hade lämnat jorden i 3000 BC.
Episoden Mobius fastslog att SG1 hjälpte till att avskaffa Goa'uld från jorden genom att resa i tid till 3000BC med en Puddle Jumper.
Dessutom skulle de religioner som beskrivs (han säger noggrant) inte passa Goa'u'd-metoden. Teal'c säger ...
I know of no Goa’uld capable of showing the necessary compassion or benevolence that I have read of in your Bible.
Som påpekats i kommentarerna är emellertid olika religioner som kom fram till efter hänvisningen till den egyptiska stargaten , inklusive Hinduism, Shinto och, implicit kristendomen.
Om Goa'uld var inspiration för dessa "gudar" eller bara antagit deras namn är dock oklart.
Till exempel: Kristendomen
The medieval Christian beliefs of the humans means that their ancestors must have been taken from Earth after the first council of Nicaea in AD 325 that established the said belief system and likely after the fall of the Roman empire and into the Dark Ages given their belief in demons, which makes it highly likely they were the last group of humans to leave Earth until the rediscovery of the Stargate and Dr. Ernest Littlefield's 1945 trip though the gate and the last group of humans ever to be taken off-world as Goa'uld slaves. Since this puts their departure well beyond the known date of the rebellion against the Goa'uld, especially after the alternate SG-1's involvement in "Moebius, Part 2", they were likely removed via ships...or via the second Stargate in Antarctica as it was stated the Goa'uld used it and as evident of the two Jaffa they found frozen there.
I säsong 3 avsnittet Demoner möter de ett medeltida katolskt samhälle.
Carter: The UAV photos were right, there it is. Looks like a church.
O'Neill: And that would mean what?
Teal'c: That it is most likely Christians reside here, O'Neill. [...]
Daniel: Which means they probably had to have been taken from somewhere in medieval Europe through the Antarctic gate.
Först tror de att Goa'uld spelar den Abrahams guden
Daniel: Well, if these people were already Christians when they were taken from Earth, that suggests this Goa'uld is…is playing…
O'Neill: God? As in God God? It's a bit of a stretch, don't you think?
Teal'c: I know of no Goa'uld capable of showing the necessary compassion or benevolence that I have read of in your Bible.
Folk fruktade en demon (Unas) som var djävulens tjänare (Sokar).
Unas (in a distorted, Goa'uld-like voice): The time of Sacrifice is at hand. My lord Satan calls for five wretched souls to reclaim as his.
Återkommande karaktär Nirrti var också Hindugudinnan av" döds gömda riker och sorger ".
Räknar Satan som en "modern gud"?
Om så är det Sokar .
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