Jag har precis slutat läsa David Mitchells Ghostwritten där några Cloud Atlas tecken gör en cameo. Om händelserna i den här novellen kan betraktas som verkliga så skulle jag tro att alla av berättelserna i Cloud Atlas är också verkliga. Den exakta anledningen: ( Ghostwritten spoilers följer)
Luisa Rey, she is the main connection given that if the story in the novel Half Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery is real, then Letters from Zedelghem is real and so (well, most likely) is The Pacific Journals of Adam Ewing. In Ghostwritten we find a Luisa Rey (possibly on her sixties) who is known to be (now) a writer, she humbly says she had two minor successes, the latest been The Hermitage described by Bat, the radio DJ, as "a true-crime psychological exposé" which of course leads us to speculate that her first novel of the same nature was, indeed, Half Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery. The second fact taken from Ghostwritten that gives evidence of Luisa Rey being real is Marco's storyline, where he saves a woman from a car accident and later we learn that he works as a ghostwriter for, surprise surprise, (a younger) Timothy Cavendish. The woman Marco saved is Mo, the physicist who will eventually create "the zookeeper" and it is "the zookeeper" who will later constantly call Bat, the very same DJ that Luisa Rey was chatting with. In short: Luisa did experience the events in Swanekke island, wrote a novel about it and then submitted it to Timothy Cavendish as hinted in the movie ("This would make a great book!" -"I'll drink to that"). This would possibly disprove the theory that the comet indicates the same soul in another body given that Timothy cannot be reincarnation of Luisa, but that's another matter.
Hoppas det här ger mer ljus på ämnet, jag skulle gärna vilja jämföra teorier.