Människor som vinner ett interstellärt krig mot hive-minded utomjordingar på grund av mänsklig natur [duplicat]


Jag läste den här historien i mitten av slutet av 90-talet, och jag tror att den var i en Sci-Fi-antologi eller en tidskrift (som Asimov ), så det är kanske mycket äldre.

Tyvärr är de enda detaljer jag minns mycket generiska, så Google-sökningar har inte varit fruktansvärt hjälpsamma. allt handlar om en specifik scen, som jag tror är nära slutet av historien. Varje bit som jag kan komma ihåg är ett koncept som finns i många historier / filmer / spel, vilket leder mig att tro att detta är mycket äldre än 90-talet.

Jag kommer ihåg att människor är i krig mot en hive-minded alienart, och denna art stampar ursprungligen mänskliga flottor i nästan varje kamp. Eftersom de är ett kikarsinn, är de helt förenade med strategi, politik och vetenskaplig forskning.

I slutet visar det sig att denna ras är dömd att förlora, eftersom den är förenad. Människor är ständigt kämpade, så våra strategier anpassade sig snabbt till fiendens, och vi kunde snabbt omvända ingenjörernas överlägsen teknik för att använda den för oss själva.

Jag tror också att det uppenbarades att kriget avsiktligt startades av en mänsklig organisation för att ge människor en gemensam fiende.

Jag kommer ihåg att allt detta avslöjas genom en enda konversation i slutet av historien, men det är mina minnenas omfattning.

uppsättning Liesmith 01.02.2017 00:51

2 svar


"" I en bra orsak ", en 1951-roman på Isaac Asimov , även svaret på den här frågan . Kanske en av dessa omslag kommer att ringa en klocka. Här är ett utdrag ur samtalet i slutet av berättelsen:

"Merely saying so was not enough. You wanted to force the human governments to unite against them and that notion was politically unrealistic and completely impossible. It wasn't even desirable. Humans are not Diaboli. Among the Diaboli, individual consciousness is low, almost nonexistent. Ours is almost overpowering. They have no such thing as politics; we have nothing else. They can never disagree, can have nothing but a single government. We can never agree; if we had a single island to live on, we would split it in three.

"But our very disagreements are our strength! Your Federalist party used to speak of ancient Greece a great deal once. Do you remember? But your people always missed the point. To be sure, Greece could never unite and was therefore ultimately conquered. But even in her state of disunion, she defeated the gigantic Persian Empire. Why?

"I would like to point out that the Greek city-states over centuries had fought with one another. They were forced to specialize in things military to an extent far beyond the Persians. Even the Persians themselves realized that, and in the last century of their imperial existence, Greek mercenaries formed the most valued parts of their armies.

"The same might be said of the small nation-states of pre-atomic Europe, which in centuries of fighting had advanced their military arts to the point where they could overcome and hold for two hundred years the comparatively gigantic empires of Asia.

"So it is with us. The Diaboli, with vast extents of galactic space, have never fought a war. Their military machine is massive, but untried. In fifty years, only such advances have been made by them as they have been able to copy from the various human navies. Humanity, on the other hand, has competed ferociously in warfare. Each government has raced to keep ahead of its neighbors in military science. They've had to! It was our own disunion that made the terrible race for survival necessary, so that in the end almost any one of us was a match for all the Diaboli, provided only that none of us would fight on their side in a general war.

"It was toward the prevention of such a development that all of Earth's diplomacy has been aimed. Until it was certain that in a war between Earth and the Diaboli, the rest of humanity would be at least neutral, there could be no war, and no union of human governments could be allowed, since the race for military perfection must continue. Once we were sure of neutrality, through the hoax that broke up the conference two years ago, we sought the war, and now we have it."

Wikipedia sammanfattande:

The story opens with a description of a statue on the grounds of the United Worlds organisation raised to Richard "Dick" Altmayer. It displays a quote and three dates, which correspond to the three days upon which he was arrested for his beliefs. The first is in the year 2755 of the "Atomic Era" (corresponding to 4700 CE in Asimovean chronology).

Altmayer and his friend Geoffrey Stock have opposing positions when conscripted into military service for a war between human-occupied star systems. Stock willingly reports for military duty, whilst Altmayer protests, believing that the various interstellar nations of humanity should be united against the Diaboli, an intelligent non-human race that also occupies several planetary systems in the galaxy.

Over a 45-year period, Stock reaches high military rank and then political office, whilst Altmayer is imprisoned and kept under house arrest several times for his radical idealism. He starts political parties and protest movements, all of which fail to achieve their objectives of uniting humanity.

Ultimately, Altmayer's desire for a united humanity is achieved after a war against the Diaboli. This unity, however, has been realised only through Stock's political manipulations rather than Altmayer's idealistic actions. Stock asks his one-time friend to be one of the delegates from Earth to a peace conference, but realizes that history will not record his own participation in the unification of humanity, but will instead vilify him as a cruel and short-sighted politician.

svaret ges 01.02.2017 02:35

Det verkar ha delar av Joe Haldemans Forever War (1974), även om det saknar de djupa rymdstriderna mellan flottorna .

Utomjordingarna är kloner snarare än ett käften men det finns en konversation mot slutet av boken som de som kloner hade utvecklats bortom krig och medan de gjorde sitt bästa för att återuppliva det var de aldrig lika bra som icke- klonmänniskor. Kriget slutar när det mesta av mänskligheten har blivit kloner som möjliggör någon form av förbättrad kommunikation mellan arten och det visar sig att 1000 års slakt orsakades av ett missförstånd.

svaret ges 01.02.2017 02:34