Did den andra personalen verkligen ogillar Lockhart?


Jag har just avslutat Secret of Secrets igen. Harry och Ron hörde det här samtalet mellan personalen, och McGonagall säger:

"Right," said Professor McGonagall, whose nostrils were flared, "that's got him out from under our feet.

Hela personalen gillar Lockhart?

uppsättning Himarm 16.12.2015 02:27

3 svar


Några av de personer som ogillade eller störde Lockhart:

  • Dumbledore
  • McGonagall
  • Snape
  • Hagrid (visserligen inte en lärare i bok 2)
  • och förmodligen de flesta andra anställda

Från Pottermore (betona min):

Many staff were baffled as to the reason that Albus Dumbledore chose to invite Gilderoy Lockhart back to Hogwarts as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. While it was true that it had become almost impossible to persuade anybody else to take the job (the rumour that it was cursed was gathering strength both inside and outside Hogwarts), many teachers remembered Lockhart as thoroughly obnoxious, whatever his later achievements.

Albus Dumbledore’s plans, however, ran deep. He happened to have known two of the wizards for whose life’s work Gilderoy Lockhart had taken credit, and was one of the only people in the world who thought he knew what Lockhart was up to. Dumbledore was convinced that Lockhart needed only to be put back into an ordinary school setting to be revealed as a charlatan and a fraud. Professor McGonagall, who had never liked Lockhart, asked Dumbledore what he thought students would learn from such a vain, celebrity-hungry man. Dumbledore replied that ‘there is plenty to be learned even from a bad teacher: what not to do, how not to be’.

Det citatet ger oss "många anställda", Dumbledore (ogillar inte specifikt nämnt, men åtminstone misstro och misstankar om vad Lockhart verkligen var) och McGonagall. Det är också troligt att flera av lärarna också varit lärare tillbaka på Lockharts dag och skulle komma ihåg hans skolbarnsutnyttjande, som inkluderade (igen från Pottermore):

Lockhart told anyone who would listen that he would succeed in making a Philosopher’s Stone before leaving school and that he intended to captain England’s Quidditch team to World Cup glory, before knuckling down to becoming Britain’s youngest Minister for Magic.

If he was not first and best, he would rather not participate at all. Increasingly, he directed his talents towards short cuts and dodges. He valued learning not for its own sake, but for the attention it brought him. He craved prizes and awards. He lobbied the Headmaster to start a school newsletter, because he liked nothing better than to see his name and photograph in print.

Never very popular, he nevertheless achieved his primary goal of school-wide recognition through repeated, attention-getting exploits. He received a week’s worth of detentions for magically carving his signature in twenty-foot-long letters into the Quidditch pitch. He managed to create a massive, illuminated projection of his own face, which he would send skywards in imitation of the Dark Mark. He sent himself eight hundred Valentine’s cards one year, which caused such a pile-up of owls in the Great Hall that breakfast had to be abandoned (far too many feathers and droppings in the porridge).

When Lockhart finally left Hogwarts, it was to a faint sigh of relief from the staff.

Från HP och Secrets Chamber (bok, betona min):

"Like I don' know. An' bangin' on about some Banshee he banished. If one word of it was true, I'll eat my kettle. [...] I told Lockhart yeh didn' need teh. Yer more famous than him without tryin'."

"Bet he didn't like that," said Harry, sitting up and rubbing his chin.

"Don' think he did," said Hagrid, his eyes twinkling. "An' then I told him I'd never read one o' his books an' he decided ter go."

Så Hagrid var villig att gå så långt som att kritisera honom i ansiktet.

Och från filmanpassningen av HP och Secrets Chamber :

Severus Snape: "A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last."
Lockhart: "My moment?"
Severus Snape [sneeringly]: "Weren't you saying just last night that you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?"

Så vi kan lägga till Snape på listan över dem som var öppet kritiska för Lockhart i hans ansikte.

svaret ges 16.12.2015 02:46

Förutom ovanstående individer, men inte exakt en lärare ...

Fru Pomfrey gjorde förmodligen inte

Bedömning av denna rad från filmen:

Poppy: "You should have come straight to me!... I can mend bones in a second — but growing them back —"

Det verkar som om fru Pomfrey inte särskilt gillar Lockart, definitivt följde händelsen med Harry, där han tog bort benen i Harrys arm!

svaret ges 16.12.2015 03:03

Per hans Pottermore biografi var de definitivt inte fans av hans; McGonagall i synnerhet:

Many staff were baffled as to the reason that Albus Dumbledore chose to invite Gilderoy Lockhart back to Hogwarts as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. While it was true that it had become almost impossible to persuade anybody else to take the job (the rumour that it was cursed was gathering strength both inside and outside Hogwarts), many teachers remembered Lockhart as thoroughly obnoxious, whatever his later achievements.


Professor McGonagall, who had never liked Lockhart, asked Dumbledore what he thought students would learn from such a vain, celebrity-hungry man. Dumbledore replied that 'there is plenty to be learned even from a bad teacher: what not to do, how not to be'.

Det är inte helt klart hur många av dem ogillar honom personligen; men med tanke på attityden han visar under bokens gång är det svårt att föreställa sig att han vinner någon över till sin sida.

svaret ges 16.12.2015 02:32