Medan man kan argumentera för kompensationsformer kommer jag att fokusera på din linje "(dvs tillåta att använda magi igen)". JK Rowling svarade här själv i en intervju från 2000.
Q: Since Hagrid's name was cleared in Book 2, will he ever be allowed to do magic openly again ? (Jan Campbell)
A: He is allowed. He has been allowed to do magic openly ever since he became a teacher but because he was never fully trained his magic is never going to be what it should be. He is always going to be a bit inept.
-World Exclusive Interview with J K Rowling, South West News Service, 8 July 2000
Kom också ihåg att Dumbledore anställde honom först och främst för att han visste att Hagrid var oskyldig men inte hade möjlighet att bevisa / övertyga domstolarna i detta.
För att ta itu med några av oroarna på Hagrids trollstav, vad Rowling har sagt om det
Softballchicky32: What is the extent of Hagrid's magical powers?
JK Rowling replies -> Not great! He can do magic to a fairly basic standard and occasionally surprises everyone (himself included) by bringing off more impressive bits of magic. Of course, he is somewhat hampered by the fact that his wand is broken and disguised as an umbrella.