TV mini-serie om en pojke som transporteras till en annan värld


Jag har inte mycket att gå vidare men ...

Jag såg det här någon gång mellan 1998 - 2003. Det var en tv-miniserier (kanske 8-12 eps jag tror), om en pojke (11/12 år jag tror) som transporteras till en magisk värld.

På en tid parar han sig med en äldre (eller kanske bara högre) tjej, som är från den världen.

Vid en tidpunkt går de till ett slott som har stora, färgglada varelser av något slag. I en av de senare episoderna går de över en träbro över en slöja.

Jag såg det i Storbritannien, jag kan inte komma ihåg om det var Storbritannien, Australien eller USA men definitivt på engelska.

Tyvärr är det allt jag kan komma ihåg!

uppsättning IzZbIzZy 08.01.2019 13:43

2 svar


Jag tror att det skulle kunna vara australiensisk / polsk samproduktion Spellbinder ( 1995).

While at summer camp, Paul Reynolds accidentally goes into a parallel universe. This other world is inhabited by a more hierarchic and technologically different society, ruled by a group of people known as Spellbinders. Paul meets a girl there named Riana, and they become friends. The Spellbinders have discovered the power to create and manipulate static electricity. They fly in gigantic copper-coloured machines that utilise large rotating orange crystals, presumably creating some form of magnetic levitation. The Spellbinders often use their power for good, but some abuse this power and use their discoveries for malevolence. One such malevolent Spellbinder is Ashka, who often manages to hide her true nature. Common people are often "banished" for their misdeeds, and sometimes Spellbinders are banished, also, if they are proven to have done wrong.

It has a sequel, Spellbinder: Land of the Dragon Lord (1997).

It has the boy and older/taller girl (see picture) and strong science fantasy elements. I don't remember the colorful creatures, and I'm not sure about the wooden bridge over a chasm. It has, however, been 20+ years since I saw it.

enter image description here

svaret ges 08.01.2019 15:17

Kan det vara Josh Kirby ... Time Warrior! ?

The series concerns a device, found by humans in the 25th century, called the Nullifier. This device is said to be capable of destroying the universe. Realizing the danger, a man called Irwin 1138 splits the Nullifier into six pieces, which are then dispersed through time. However, a scientist called Dr. Zoetrope finds out where the pieces are located and, with the help of his time traveling armor, sets about reassembling the device. Along with 20th century teenager Josh Kirby, and a half-human warrior known as Azabeth Siege, Irwin 1138 sets about thwarting Dr. Zoetrope's plans.

Josh Kirby is 14 years of age in 9th grade and his journey starts when he is accidentally pulled into the fight between Irwin and Zoetrope when a piece of the Nullifier lands in his time. He has to overcome his homesickness for small-town America, helped by befriending the alien warrior-girl Azabeth, and saving her life, a result of this being that she is bound by oath to protect him. After a series of adventures including seeing the year 70,379 where humans have become tyrannical giants, a world populated by living toys, and Azabeth’s home world where humans are the hated enemy of her people, The Kang, he eventually is confronted by a shocking betrayal by Irwin before he discovers that he must choose between Azabeth's survival and fulfilling his Time Warrior destiny.


svaret ges 08.01.2019 13:46