Din kommentar om "burnt cotton candy" utlöste mitt minne om den här artikeln som jag läste för ett tag sedan. Från Green Building Adviser på stinkande miljövänligt glasfiber.
Artikeln beskriver limet som har en sötbränd lukt:
According to Frank O’Brien-Bernini, an Owens Corning vice president and chief sustainability officer, “The new binder was introduced a couple of years ago. We have totally converted our entire product line to this product.”
O’Brien-Bernini admits that you can smell the binder when you open a fresh bag of insulation. He reminded me that old-fashioned formaldehyde-based glues also have an odor — one that is sometimes compared to cat urine. “Our prior insulation also had an odor to it that was far less pleasant,” O’Brien-Bernini said. “When we started developing this product, we did an aroma test. Most people said the new aroma is far preferable to the aroma of the prior product.”