Kort historia om en afghansk drake under den sovjetiska invasionen


Jag letar efter en novell, en plot som går enligt följande:

Denna korta historia innebär den sovjetiska invasionen av Afghanistan, där de två synpunkterna (en sovjetisk och en afghansk) vittnar strider mellan afghanska opprörare och ockuperande sovjetiska trupper.

Sovjeterna besegrar afghanerna i en massiv kombinerad vapenattack med hjälp av helikopterpistoler och artilleri, men attackerna väcker en drake som förstör hela sovjetstyrkan.

Jag kommer inte ihåg några ytterligare detaljer än det som hittills beskrivits.

uppsättning March Ho 01.11.2015 03:32

2 svar


Låter som Andrzej Sapkowskis 2009 roman Viper (ursprungligen Żmija på polska).

Från den här översynen :

Viper is set near the end of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the action is centered around a member of the Soviet special forces, Pavel Levart, as he becomes embroiled within a millennia-long story of a hidden treasure and a monstrous golden viper whose very presence signals the impending death of whoever encounters it. As Levart and his comrades push further into the Hindu Kush, where the viper is based, echoes of previous expeditions, ranging from Alexander the Great's soldiers to 19th century British soldiers, begin to ring, both metaphorically and in a very "real" sense, all around them.

svaret ges 01.11.2015 13:58

Efter lite sökning hittade jag historien. Det är Black Tulip av Harry Turtledove:

"Black Tulip" is a short story by Harry Turtledove. It was published in Redshift, edited by Al Sarantonio, Roc, 2001. It is a fantasy story set against the backdrop of the Soviet War in Afghanistan. It uses two POVs, Soviet soldier Sergei and Mujahideen fighter Abdul Satar Ahmedi, as they and their respective comrades prepare to battle over the Soviet-occupied town of Bulola. What neither side knows is that there is a dragon in the mountains outside the town. When fighting erupts, the dragon, long disturbed by the fighting in and around the town, fully awakens, and destroys the Soviet garrison.

svaret ges 01.11.2015 14:12