Hur trogen är filmen "The Martian" till boken?


Hur trogen är filmen "The Martian" till boken?

Var det ändringar av längd eller videografiska skäl eller någon mer signifikant detalj detaljer?

uppsättning ThePopMachine 10.10.2015 06:07

4 svar


Ganska trogen, men med några anmärkningsvärda skillnader.

Efter att ha läst boken och sett filmen kan jag säga att det är en ganska trogen anpassning. De viktigaste skillnaderna jag märkte är:

  • The novel starts after Watney has been abandoned, and does not explain exactly how and why he was left on Mars until over 100 pages into the novel. The film, on the other hand, starts off almost immediately with the dust storm that forces the evacuation.

  • Venkat Kapoor is named "Vincent Kapoor" in the film.

  • The book has more concerning the deal with the Chinese space program. (It is less well-received in the novel than in the film.)

  • The relationship between Beck and Johannsen is known to the Hermes crew in the novel (Lewis knows and reveals it to everyone), but it is kept secret in the film.

  • The journey from the HAB to the MAV is not shown in the film, but described in great detail in the novel (and there is a setback along the way involving a crater).

  • The space rescue is much more dramatic in the film (e.g. Watney pokes a hole into his suit to use the escaping oxygen as thrust).

  • The (latest eBook / audio book version of the) novel ends immediately after the rescue, but the film shows Watney teaching cadets and also reveals some of what the other members of the crew are doing with their lives, post-rescue.

  • Generally speaking, the novel devotes more time and energy to explaining the science behind Watney's actions and innovations.

Skäl till skillnader:

Direktör Ridley Scott har inte kommenterat om förändringarna var långa eller dramatiska / videografiska skäl. Man kan tänka sig att motivationen var lite av båda:

  • Cutting down on the scientific explanations helps with length — i.e. trying to squeeze a nearly 400-page book into 140 minutes — and with making the film appeal to a broad audience (not everyone wants to hear scientific details, unfortunately). Cutting down on the negotiations with the Chinese space agency and on Watney's journey from the HAB to the MAV also help with the length.

  • Watney's "Iron Man" stunt during the rescue (i.e. using his suit's oxygen supply as thrust) makes for good drama.

Du kan hitta intressant denna artikel om de allmänna skillnaderna i tonen mellan romanen och filmen:

  • Vox - Hur Ridley Scott hjälpte Martianen för att bryta förbannelsen av Mars-filmen

Slutligen har Scott varit mycket nyligen utmanade om varför han bestämde sig för att ändra raserna med två tecken (se andra och tredje spoiler-taggar ovan), men han har ännu inte kommenterat detta officiellt.

svaret ges 10.10.2015 06:30

Några ytterligare ändringar gör filmen till boken:

  • In the book and movie, there is are two humorously juxtaposed conversations where Kapoor wonders what Mark is thinking and Mark is saying something silly to the computer. In the book, that is "Why can Aquaman talk to whales?" and in the movie it was another comment about Lewis's disco.

  • In the book when the HAB deflates, it takes Mark a extended period of time to move the (sealed) airlock nearer to the HAB and repair his suit. For instance, this requires starting a fire to locate an air leak, cutting an arm off his suit for repair material, and throwing himself against a wall. In the movie, he duct tapes his visor and walks out. This seems to have been cut to decrease run time.

  • In the book, there is are scenes which indicate that Johannsen will cannabilize the rest of the crew should the Hermes resupply fails.

  • Prior to the journey from the HAB to the MAV in the book, Watney loses contact with NASA when a short with his drill discharged through the probe communication system. This means in the movie he modifies the rover via NASA's instructions while in the book he is forced to figure out how to do this himself.

  • His vehicle in the book to got to the MAV is alot different from that used in the movie (see above). For instance, in the book the two rovers are hooked in series such that the front acts as a cockpit while the back one contains life support. There are no additional trailers. He doesn't bring pathfinder for obvious reasons. This is clearly how NASA instended to construct it in the book too. In the movie, he somehow constructs a train with several carts being pulled behind one rover. There is no indication where he could have gotten so many wheels or the required horsepower for this.

  • The journey from the HAB to the MAV is not shown in the film, but described in great detail in the novel. In it there are setbacks where he has to divert his path due to a duststorm and where his rovers overturn and he has to find a way to flip them back over.

  • In the ending of the book, Johanssen figures out how to ignite the bomb via a lighting panel while in the movie this is done by Vogel.

  • In the ending of the book, Dr. Beck (EVA specialist) performs the tether EVA to bring Mark into the Hermes and Vogel manually pulls him in via the tether. In the movie, Commander Lewis does the EVA and Beck triggers a motorized system to pull the tether in.

Boken känns generellt mer som en historia om hur Mark Watney lyckades överleva som strandsatta på Mars. När filmen klippte de flesta sina problem och nästan alla sina lösningar känns det mer av en historia om hur Watney räddades från Mars. Både bok och film berättar båda dessa men det här är en fråga om betoning.

svaret ges 12.10.2015 19:16

En stor skillnad är landskapet. I filmen händer allt i kanoner mellan vackra, svungande klippor.

Som är riktigt snyggt att se på, men helt orealistiskt - NASA skulle aldrig placera en landningsplats så nära sådana funktioner - för stor risk att stöta på dem under landningen.

Därför beskriver böckerna både Acidalia Planitia (Ares 3) och insidan av Schiaparelli-krateren (Ares 4) som ganska jävla plattan (vilket de faktiskt är i verkligheten). Detta spelar en roll i Watys resa till Ares 4-platsen, eftersom han vet att han kommer att göra bra avstånd på Acidalia Planitia, men måste oroa sig för att korsa den mycket mer robusta Arabia Terraen senare. Hela 3200km resan är ganska överskådad i filmen, men det är en riktigt stor sak i boken och involverar två stora dramatiska bakslag, en dammstorm och roveren som viker över. Detta är förmodligen den största skillnaden vad gäller historikens tidslinje.

Men jag klagar inte - en bok behöver inte imponerande landskap, men jag kan uppskatta det i filmen, även om det inte är realistiskt.

svaret ges 11.10.2015 00:59

Bara för att lägga till de andra svaren här finns ett dramatiskt teckenförskjutning för en av tecknen.

  • In the novel Melissa Lewis, the commander, is portrayed as strong, calm and collected, she trusts her crewmembers and commands them to use their expertise to do the jobs they are trained to do, essentially a perfect leader. In the movie, particularly in the final dramatic rescue scene, she is portrayed as an almost hysterical person who abandon's her post and demands to do the final rescue even though she isn't trained properly to do the rescue EVA. (This action is like a scared passenger grabbing the controls away from the pilot and would result in a court martial in the real world.)

svaret ges 04.07.2016 17:20