Omständigheterna i episoden innebär att den övergavs 1969 (eller kort därefter, betonar min):
Den starka implikationen är att mänskligheten snabbt dödade all tystnad kvar på jorden, vilket naturligtvis skulle leda till skeppet på Craigs tak (vilket inte är Craigs tak ännu, för det här är 1969 medan "The Lodger" är uppenbarligen modern-ish att sända datum) överges.Doctor: You just raised an army against yourself and now, for a thousand generations, you're going to be ordering them to destroy you every day. How fast can you run? Because today's the day the human race throw you off their planet.
Doctor Who Series 6 Episode 2: "Day of the Moon"
Steven Moffat alla bekräftade det i en 2014-utgåva av Doctor Who Magazine , och klargjorde att skeppet som ses i "The Lodger" var ett övergiven fartyg från tystnadsjobbet:
David Elham asks: In The Lodger we see a TARDIS-type machine on top of Craig's flat. Then, in The Impossible Astronaut, it appears again, occupied by the Silence. Was it actually a TARDIS or something else? Will we ever find out?
Those were Silence ships. That's how they arrived on Earth, and where they hung out and had parties and games of forget-me-not (is that a game?). So the one the Doctor found in The Lodger was an abandoned ship from the Silence occupation that was in the Earth's past, but - at that point - the Doctor's future. You see it all makes perfect sense if you watch it in the wrong order - he said, accidentally summing up his entire career in the most damning and wretched way.
Doctor Who Magazine #475