Hur många matriser var där?


I den här scenen

avMatrisenAgentSmithberättarförMorpheusattdetfannsfleramatriser,varavdenförstavar"perfekt". Det hänvisas till detta genom trilogin och i Animatrix och det avslöjas att det fanns mer än en "misslyckad matris". Så hur många matriser var där? Jag är medveten om att ett exakt nummer förmodligen inte är avslöjat men vilken slutsats kan vi dra av de givna bevisen?     
uppsättning Matthew Stevenson 30.11.2015 11:59

2 svar


Det fanns de två betamatriserna och sedan bor Neo i den 6: e cykeln av Matrix 1.0.

Nu beror det på om du räknar dem som en matris eller som 6, vilket gör svaret antingen 3 eller 8.

The Architect explains that, in addition to two unstable versions of the Matrix, there have been five iterations, or cycles, of the Matrix. In each stable iteration, an incarnation of The One has appeared. Neo is the sixth One to appear in this sixth Matrix iteration.

Matrix Wiki

svaret ges 30.11.2015 14:12

Tre. Eller fyra inklusive pre-Matrix beta

Vi vet om Pre-Matrix Beta 1 :

After the Machine war ended, the remaining surviving humans were taken to be studied and plugged into an initial first power plant matrix without their awareness of being plugged into that matrix.

Vilket följdes av Paradise Matrix :

The Paradise Matrix was the first prototype Matrix, which was designed by The Architect to control humanity by putting their minds into a constructed virtual reality. Unlike later versions, it simulated a perfect world with no suffering to try to pacify their minds, but the human minds did not accept this version. Many of those connected died, and a Nightmare Matrix was designed in its place that tried to correct its flaws.

Vilket följdes av Marerittmatris :

The Nightmare Matrix was the second prototype Matrix, designed by The Architect after the massive failure of the Paradise Matrix in the hope that human minds would more readily accept an imperfect world with suffering. Unlike the first version, this Matrix instituted a basic cause-and-effect programming and forcibly made those connected to it accept the program.

Och till sist Modern Matrix , som vi ser i filmerna:

The solution was ultimately stumbled upon by an intuitive program, originally intended to study aspects of the human psyche: The Oracle. She discovered that if humans were given a choice, even at a subconscious level, to accept the reality of the world around them, ninety-nine percent of humans would accept the virtual world.

svaret ges 30.11.2015 12:59