Can Jedi Temple Guards använder Force?


De finns i närheten av templet och har lightsabers men det svarar inte riktigt på min fråga, vilket är: Kan Jedi Tempelvakter använda kraften?

uppsättning Shane 12.04.2016 00:12

3 svar


Enligt Star Wars Database-artikeln på Jedi Tempelvakter är svaret ett väldigt fast " ja".

An ancient, honored heritage within the hallowed halls of the Jedi Temple was the role of the Jedi Temple Guard. Reporting to Cin Drallig, head of security, the Temple Guards were anonymous sentinels plucked from the ranks of the Jedi as part of a Knight's ongoing commitment to the Order. A Jedi Temple Guard would disappear inside the formal robes and identity-concealing masks, the ultimate expression of emotional detachment required in service to a higher calling. Temple Guards carried imposing lightsaber pikes -- thick, double-bladed weapons that produced a rare and distinctive yellow blade.

svaret ges 12.04.2016 00:19

Tempelvaktare utbildades Jedi som valdes för deras engagemang och skicklighet. De borde emellertid inte förväxlas med Temple Security Force , vars rangordnade inklusive rekryter som inte var styrda av Force.

The Temple Security Force was the security police of the Jedi Temple and the Temple Precinct surrounding it on Coruscant. Though the name was traditionally and generally applied to the non-Force-sensitive soldiers and police officers, Temple Security also included the Jedi Peacekeepers and the Jedi Temple Guards that were stationed on Coruscant

svaret ges 12.04.2016 01:45

Ja, faktiskt Grand Inquisitor

used to be a Temple Guard, and we know that he could use The Force.

Dessutom, från deras Wookieepedia sida:

The Jedi Temple Guards were part of the Jedi Order. They wore golden-brown robes with Jedi patterns on them to signify their loyalty to the order and carried special lightsaber pikes which produced yellow blades.

Du måste kunna använda The Force som en Jedi.

svaret ges 12.04.2016 00:15