Harry måste tävla, för om han inte gör det kommer han att dö (förmodligen).
I vad som bara kan beskrivas som den dumaste plot-twist någonsin, visar det sig att i en tävling som är avsedd för att föras in av barn, är bägaren inställd att utmana en hård bestraffning för alla som vägrar att delta.
Min läsning var att eftersom konkurrerande i tävlingen (den första uppgiften innebär att möta en jätte manätande drake) är mindre fara, detta straff måste antingen vara dödligt eller mind-destroying :
‘Finally, I wish to impress upon any of you wishing to compete that this Tournament is not to be entered into lightly. Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obliged to see the Tournament through to the end. The placing of your name in the Goblet constitutes a binding, magical contract. There can be no change of heart once you have become champion. Please be very sure, therefore, that you are whole-heartedly prepared to play, before you drop your name into the Goblet
Det verkar som om de tre huvuden saknar förmågan att ändra eller avbryta resultaten, även om bubblan kastar en wobbly:
Bagman wiped his round, boyish face with his handkerchief and looked at Mr Crouch, who was standing outside the circle of the firelight, his face half hidden in shadow. He looked slightly eerie, the half darkness making him look much older, giving him an almost skull-like appearance. When he spoke, however, it was in his usual curt voice. ‘We must follow the rules, and the rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the Tournament.’
‘Empty threat, Karkaroff,’ growled a voice from near the door. ‘You can’t leave your champion now. He’s got to compete. They’ve all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh?’
Don’t you?’ said Moody quietly. ‘It’s very simple, Karkaroff. Someone put Potter’s name in that Goblet knowing he’d have to compete if it came out.’