Varifrån får Rogue Squadron sitt namn?


De flesta stridsskvadroner som tillhör Rebel Alliansen och motståndet verkar ha färgbaserade namn: rött, blått, grönt, guld, etc.

Rogue Squadron sticker ut som annorlunda. Finns det någon information om var namnet kommer ifrån och om det har någon speciell betydelse?

Legends material är acceptabelt. Jag samlar Rogue Squadron som uppstod ganska i olika EU-verk.

Andra förtydliganden:

Jag är medveten om de grundläggande betydelserna av ordet rogue.

Om det visar sig icke-färgbaserade skvadronnamn är faktiskt ganska vanliga, är jag fortfarande intresserad av mer bakgrund om Rogue Squadron-namnet specifikt, om det finns några.

uppsättning Renegade Princess 10.01.2016 05:21

3 svar


Tillräckligt nog har ett svar på detta nu tillhandahållits i filmen Rogue One.

Rogue One (släppt dec 2016) följer spoilers. De är MAJOR spoilers. Jag skojar inte.

The callsign "Rogue One" is improvised on the spot by Imperial defector Bodhi Rook as he makes an unauthorised departure from the Rebel base in a (previously stolen) Imperial Shuttle. He is with Jyn Erso and her strike team as they leave on a mission to steal the Death Star plans.

Although the Rebel launch controller complains at the time that the callsign doesn't exist, it seems evident that the Rebel leaders later adopted "Rogue" as an official designation in honour of Bodhi, Jyn, and the rest of the strike team who gave up their lives to retrieve the plans and give the Rebel Alliance a new hope of survival and eventual victory.

In the scene itself it is somewhat ambiguous where Bodhi takes his inspiration for the name from. He's looking at Jyn for guidance, and it's possible it's a direct reference to her. It's also possible he's referring more generally to the whole team going rogue on a mission/plan the Rebel leadership has just rejected. A third possibility is that he's referring to himself, having defected from being an Imperial cargo pilot and soon afterwards disobeying orders from the Rebel Alliance as well. It may be a mixture of these factors.

The timing of "Rogue" coming into use as an official callsign by the time of The Empire Strikes Back also fits in nicely. The events of A New Hope follow on so closely from Rogue One that the Rebels wouldn't have had time for much in the way of administrative changes — and the successful destruction of the Death Star is what really solidifies the crucial historical importance of the sacrifice made by Jyn, Bodhi, and the Rogue One strike team.

svaret ges 16.12.2016 03:06

Det verkar vara rester av Red Squadron som angrepp Death Star nära Yavin i Ett nytt hopp .

Inte säker på hur kanon detta är, men Wikipedia ger denna bakgrund:

Red Squadron was essential to the destruction of the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin. After the battle, the squadron operated as two groups. The first was the Renegade Flight under Commander Narra, the squadron leader, and the second was the Rogue Flight under Luke Skywalker. As the Rogues became more autonomous, they became a group with no standing orders, ready any time or place for urgent missions that would arise. Their core was Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Zev Senesca, and Wes Janson.

"Rogue Squadron" kunde i huvudsak dragas till något uppdrag som krävdes, inte en specifik roll eller uppgift och var framgången för Rogue Flight.

Jag kan inte hitta någonting mer kanon än det. Källan som nämns för Wikipedia-artikeln är Star Wars Encyclopedia av Stephen J Sansweet.

svaret ges 10.01.2016 06:10

I novelleringen för filmen "Rogue One" verkar det som om den kejserliga defektören Bodhi Rook redan tänker på konsekvenserna av att vara en skurkroll (i avsikt att inte följa Rebelrådets order och gå efter Jyn Erso fader) .

He thought about his passengers. Like him, they were going rogue, courting treason by defying the Alliance council. They’d already pilfered enough Alliance weapons and gear to supply an army; and Bodhi had seen enough of the operation on Yavin to know equipment was in short supply.

När man trycker på Rebel-kontrollen kommer han upp med ett tecken på att han tror att han kommer att gå över muster.

“What’s your call sign?” the voice on the comm asked.
“Yes, we have it…” Just take off! “It’s, ah—”
Think, Bodhi. Give them something. Give them anything.
If you give them something, they might not shoot.
“—call sign Rogue. Rogue One.”
He transferred power to the thrusters, felt the familiar wobble of a cargo shuttle taking off under his control. The officer on the other end of the comm was squawking at him. Bodhi ignored it.
“Rogue One,” he declared, “pulling away!”

Det verkar som om rebellerna, som ett erkännande av Jyns och hennes truppers stora offer, började använda det kallande tecknet som en del av sin standardrepertoar efteråt, typiskt för att utse en avtagbar eskadron som kan utföra specialiserade uppgifter.

svaret ges 18.12.2016 18:30