Vilka är alla dessa människor dödade i slutet av Casino?


I slutet av filmen Casino kan vi se Whacking scenen där flera personer dödas. Alternativ länk

Det är inte särskilt tydligt vem de är, och varför Mob Bosses beställde deras dödande. De kan inte självklart döda all personal på kasinot som kan innehålla tusentals människor.

Så vem de är, och varför specifikt dem, blev beordrade att bli dödade?

uppsättning Silver Bebs 29.05.2017 19:07

1 svar


Andy Stone , dödad av de två hitmen medan de lämnade stekhuset

  • Vilka?

ACE: As far as the world was concerned, Andy Stone, the head of the Teamsters' Pension Fund, was a legitimate guy.

  • Varför?

NICKY: As much as they liked him, I mean, he wasn't one of us. He wasn't Italian. As far as they knew, he could have talked. Otherwise, Stony might still be alive.


  • Vilka?

NICKY: The guys inside the counting room were all slipped in there to skim the joint dry. They'd do short counts, they'd lose fill slips. They'd even take cash right out of the drop boxes. And it was up to this guy right here, standing in front of about two million dollars, to skim the cash off the top without anybody getting wise, the IRS or anybody.


  • Varför?

NICKY: The first one to skip was John Nance. He found a nice, warm secluded place in Costa Rica. He thought nobody would find him there. But, then, his kid got nabbed by the Feds for drugs, and so naturally the bosses were afraid he'd come out of hiding just to save his kid and give 'em all up.


  • Vilka?




NICKY: The guys inside the counting room were all slipped in there to skim the joint dry. They'd do short counts, they'd lose fill slips. They'd even take cash right out of the drop boxes.


  • Vilka?

  • Varför?



svaret ges 30.05.2017 16:05